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Old 10-11-2008, 01:37 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
Pride of the Neighborhood

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,166
Re: 74% CEO's fear Obama Presidency

For Mike:

All of the Monday morning quarterbacking cannot change the fact that EVERY single credible intelligence agency in the world believed the Iraqia had WMDs: Britain, Germany, Russia, France and others. Even countries that were opposed to our going in were in agreement that Saddam had weapons that violated the 1991 cease-fire agreement.

Now Saddam either actually had WMDs and found a way to get rid of them or hide them or he will go down in history as the biggest baffoon head of state ever. If he didn't have WMDs, he sure made sure we all thought he had them, jerking the inspectors around, acting suspicious, tampering with seals and moving things around. If he didn't have MWDs, at any point before and after military action was taken against him he could've simply settled the issue with an open invitation to come and inspect the entire country, the palaces, the factories, the warehouses and simply say, "Bush is attacking me for nothing---see I have not given you any grief in inspecting even my personal residences." He would've won the war of world opinion and it would've been politicall impossible for Bush to wage war against him. It would've been a huge PR disaster for Bush.

But what did he do? He remained defiant to the very end. Even to the death. Its hard for me to believe that Saddam was willing to give it all up, even his life, for a lie.

You can say the war in Iraq was not necessary but what has been the result? Not ONE terror attack on our soil and no major attacks on embassies, naval ships, or other 90s style attacks around the globe. Even Osama Bi Laden said that Iraq was the central front in this war. It was a wise choice: take the fighting over there to eleviate the chances of attacks here.

Besides that, 50 million people who lived under the reign of a man who killed millions of his own people were set free, voted democratically for the first time EVER, have enjoyed relative peace and a rising prosperity. Folks are getting a taste of freedom and the benefits it brings.

"Talk, talk, talk" did not stop Saddam from violating the UN resolutions 21 times. What kind of credibility is that? He made a mockery of world opinion and didn't deserve to remain in power. The bloodshed over there has not been in vain, they have fought for freedom, they have fought for our security, they have fought admirably and with courage.

The enemy is stronger? They seemed much stronger in the 90s during the Clinton years when they were over here bombing the World Trade Center in 1993, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the embassies in Africa, the ambassador in Jordan, the naval ships in Yemen. What are they doing now? They are contained to a sliver of land in a remote part of the world lobbing a few mortars at our troops. Give me a break! Stronger than ever? Hardly.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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