Originally Posted by Sam
Are there any people left who are pure American Indian?
We could turn over all property in the U.S. to them and if we wanted to continue to live in our current house or maintain our current business, we could buy it from them at fair market value.
To date, the Japanese have been compensated for their afflictions at the hands of the U.S govt.
Now, apparently, the Native Americans.
Who's next to make the push? The slave descendants-- and why shouldn't they make that push? The courts have set a precedent with the Japanese Americans and the Native Americans that if not followed with the African Americans, it would be completely unjustifiable.
The precedent the courts have set is a bad one, IMHO.
But none of this can be rightfully tied to Mr. Obama, as this had nothing to do with him. The Executive on duty right now is Mr. Bush. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out that this Federal Judge was actually appointed by Reagan or Ford?