And where did the other half come from ?
I had been working for a Pakistani doctor here in Amite for some time and had gained is trust. Over the period of time we talked about the basic principals of God, these people have the same beliefs as anyone who believes in God. However, those beliefs take a left turn at Abraham, along with Ishmael. On one occasion I asked him about Jesus and the virgin birth. He said it was a miracle, then I questioned him about the other half of the chromosomes. Where did the other half of the genetic material come from? After stating that God had to be the father of Jesus, the discussion ended. They had given me a koran because I showed some interest in God. I was interested in reading one chapter in the book and that was 19 Marium, or Marry, the mother of Jesus. It tell the story form the birth of John to the birth of Jesus.
I have had many opportunities to witness to these people. They know I’m different than other people they have met, they don’t quit understand why. Trust and friendship will allow passage through to the other side of those walls.