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The Shopping Mall Find a great deal online? Share it here... Also the place to find links for consumer help sites, etc ...

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
D4T, what do you do to be able to work at home?
I had worked several years for this company... driving the 2-1/2 hour round trip to the office & back.

I heard they were discussing giving telecommuting a try. I had a good work record and had 2-1/2 hours worth of commute a day to drive me to make it work. I went in and talked to the supervisor and asked if I could be the initial telecommuter.

A month or so later they gave me a computer and sent me home.

That was about 5 years ago.

I have no idea how to go out there and find a telecommuting job... I just happened to be blessed into this one.

It is a GREAT way to work.
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Old 03-15-2007, 02:32 PM
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Laptop made it in and fired up great... everything looks good.
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Old 03-15-2007, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
I have bought musical instruments, PS2 games, a 2006 Ford Freestar Van and am awaiting the arrival (tomorrow) of my first laptop computer purchased from ebay.

Some have expressed a little shock that I would trust ebay as a source to buy some of these items.

I have bought MANY items from ebay and only came out bad on one. It was a PS2 splitter type thingy and I learned something from the purchase.

First... it was shipped from CHina... forget it... it has to be local or it isn't worth the trouble if it doesn't work.

Second... There was a money back warranty on the item but it was being sold for ONE DOLLAR with about $10 shipping. So you can only get your $1 back,

So... one bad experience... and I learned... I now buy with more assurance than ever before.

I watch feedback... I do my due research... and I don't know if there are any items that I would NOT buy from ebay.

How about you?

I have over 420 in feedback on Ebay, in my experience I have had only 3 bad experiences on Ebay. 2 in selling and 1 in buying.

2 selling came in Buyer who weren't happy with the item as described and gave me negative feedback.

The one item a computer I never got, but insurance through ebay helped me get back at least 75% of my money. This guy went under when I bought it, I even called the local cops but it was to late.

I have sold everything on Ebay. Trailers to antique guitars. At one time I did pretty good at making extra money, but those days are gone. Currently I selling some commentaries on there.

Craiglist is my favorite right now, local and free if you can get people to follow through.
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