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Old 03-07-2008, 11:33 AM
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LadyChocolate LadyChocolate is offline
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
THANK you for saying this! Those who homeschool are usually those who have the means to pay for curriculum, outings, books, etc.

Most of the homeschooling parents I know (actually all of them) are financially independent, educated, highly intelligent, successful, patriotic, and religious.

Many parents can't wait to cart their kids off to Public Pre-K or Head Start (government Pre-K for even younger children) for one reason and one reason only: FREE DAYCARE.
You are so right! We paid 70.00per subject per grade. I pay 70.00 for their spanish course and then more for other extra curriculum...health...Bible.....I also pay to be part of a homeschool group and will soon be part of the HSLDA. (Homeschool Legal Defense Assoc.) We don't have to pay for music instruments because being musicians ourselves, we have access to those and we have the knowledge to teach them.... More time from Mom and Dad! I have to buy clothes just like everyone else because my children are growing like public school children. They don't get to do their work in PJ's! Last year my children worked through their 2nd and 3rd grade work and finished it a little over 1/2 way through, so we had to pay out more money for the next grade up! They are doing the same this year.... So yes, it takes commitment, time, and money to homeschool......

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Hey. By the time them brats get to be 4 or 5 years old yer sick of dealin with em day in and day out and are lookin for a way to get em outta yer hair for at least part of the day!!!! Surely you can't fault a parent for that, can ya?? LOL!

Lol! You know, I have a wonderful husband who has worked far far far away from home and now works from the home still making good money..... We are together 24/7. Me thinks Me wants breaks now! LOL But really, I will give of my time for my children... It would be easy to even put them in the local private christian school, but it is a blessing to homeschool! When I need a break, I go out for a few hours all alone! We work together as a family and when we all give of ourselves, we all benefit and everyone wins!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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