Originally Posted by Joelel
Overtaken is one who falls into a sin and does it over and over. Everyone sins here and then but you can't pick up a sin and keep doing it over and over and over and never get victory.You disfellowship them who don't try to stop.
I agree in part with your statement above; however, it might have appeared that someone stopped trying to be an overcomer, yet their heart still longed for deliverance.
On the other hand, a person could be so focused on working with someone who was sent to distract them by appearing to want change, but they never had any intention to fully take the steps needed for their deliverance. During that time, there could be someone else that God had intended that person to minister to, but they were too busy trying to help the decoy.
Given the different scenarios, one must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Ghost when dealing with those that have been "overtaken" with sin. The consequences for not doing so could be grave.