There a many who would disagree w/ this assessment.
And there are many who would be much better served keeping their own counsel... and keeping watch over their own souls and their own sheep than worrying about who is going to get the coveted positions in HQ.
Even if JJ were driven for power... the men who sit back and criticize, in my estimation (which is only mine and ever so humble ) are no better.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
What makes wpf different than the organizations you mention is the deliberate intentions of leadership to drive a wedge between the upci and its preachers. The other organizations to the best of my knowledge were not founded to keep undesirables out. The wpf was established to continue the unscritpural policies of segregations.
Originally Posted by bishoph
You are very correct in stating that it has indeed passed and it is up to the District to enforce as they see fit.
Legally the UPCI will have a long arduous road to legally enforcing such a ruling, unless they enforce it upon AWCF, IAF, and other "fellowship" association members as well. JMHO
Also according to the bylaws of the UPCI this "ruling" is not binding unless it is brought to the body for ratification, but this has not always been followed in the past.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
then it's starts to get ugly because the lines will now be drawn ... no more limbo.
Originally Posted by CC1
There are two ways to view this event;
1. It will force men to leave the UPC who would have remained although part of the WWPF and some will see this as a disasterous mistake unneccesarily causing a "split".
These are the points I was trying to make earlier. I personally know of a lot of good men who have been "on the fence", and confused over the situation.
There are a lot of factors involved with these guys, including long standing friendships and seeing men who were their spiritual mentors leaving. If the UPC laid low on this issue and let these guys watch and wait a little, they might ultimately come to see that leaving isn't the best course of action.
By drawing the line in the sand, they are forcing them to make a immediate choice, one that will possibly end in hard feelings and forever alienate. IMHO
the general board will vote, the compliant will comply, the rebellious will rebel, and good lord willing the sun will come up tomorrow, and please lord no more snow, yes i am begging, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
These are the points I was trying to make earlier. I personally know of a lot of good men who have been "on the fence", and confused over the situation.
There are a lot of factors involved with these guys, including long standing friendships and seeing men who were their spiritual mentors leaving. If the UPC laid low on this issue and let these guys watch and wait a little, they might ultimately come to see that leaving isn't the best course of action.
By drawing the line in the sand, they are forcing them to make a immediate choice, one that will possibly end in hard feelings and forever alienate. IMHO
With all due respect Dizzy....The UPC didn't make this happen. They are not forcing anyone out. I don't see where they had a choice in the matter at all.
It is sad. My heart is heavy about all of this, but, the blame does not rest solely on the UPCI! God help us!
But, we will survive! I pray for all involved, as well as our WPF brethren. I do not agree with what they have done, but I don't harbor any hard feelings. We must make heaven! It has been said before....There won't be spereate rooms in heaven.....UPCI HERE.......WPF THERE.......
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
There a many who would disagree w/ this assessment.
Disagree or not....these type statements should NOT be made. This is judgementalism...Ohh, wait, I thought liberal folks didn't judge! OOpps
did I say that out loud!
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
We must make heaven! It has been said before....There won't be spereate rooms in heaven.....UPCI HERE.......WPF THERE.......
Last I heard OP Pentecostals will get a suite .... the rest of heaven will be for the rest of the saved Christian world ... we wouldn't want to disappoint anyone. Gabe is my source.