No Way!!!
Throw ‘em out I say!!

Show ‘em who’s boss!
The UPC is a church and they need to be in submission to the Pastor.
After all the GS is the pastor of all the preachers in the UPC ….right??…
Oh wait…

I heard the DS is pastor of all the pastors in the district …..but some DS’s have left
Maybe it is the Presbyter over the section???
I forget which it is…..
maybe it is the Ass’t GS of my zone
But then what about my Executive Presbyter for the Zone?
Oh wait is it him or the Executive Presbyter for the region?
Maybe they’re all Co-Pastors.
It can get where a guy doesn’t even know who he is rebelling against.
But they’re rebellin’ against somethin’ so throw ‘em out!
And tell ‘em to take there dues and missions support with ‘em!

They don’t give anything anyway.
Missionaries can just come home and deputize another year or so!
They can sell a few campgrounds and talk about how people don’t really want to go to camp anymore anyhow.
Cut salaries

Sell HQ
And push anyone who sympathizes or fellowships with them right out the door too because they are the dividers, excluders and elitists that just keep stirring the pot
Maybe if the UPC gets rid of enough they will have churches every where.
If they throw everyone out just think how much easier it will be to double in a decade.
Yup great idea! Makes lots of sense to me.
Maybe those that pushed for res 4 the last few years can draft another unifying resolution for this year, outlawing the WPF and anyone else that left in the last 12 months.
Show those controllers who is boss! After all they’re the ones dividing!
Oh Brother!!!……..