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Old 03-11-2007, 10:57 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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If you had the floor for 10 minutes what would you say/ask?????

I would like to know something.

If you were given 10 minutes to speak to the entire general board of the United Pentecostal Church what would you say? What would you ask. What are the issues you would like to discuss?

This would be what I would say.

Good day brethern, in the lovely name of Jesus, I only have 15 minutes so I will get to the point.

The state of the church, in my opinion cannot continue to operate as it has in the past with the same mindset toward organization and/or ministry. I say this because I understand how the business climate has changed dramatically from how business was conducted in past generations. The church cannot continue to operate in the vertical, top-down, heirarchical structure and still expect to succeed and maintain relevance.

Why has the secular business structure changed? Because our society has changed in terms of priorities, focus, education, and the natural cycle of change. Those same people are in your churches, believe it or not.

I know there are those who cross their arms with a crusty look and the resistive attitude that change=compromise, but those same people are the ones who will deprive their community of a church because that once they die off, the church will founder into non-existence.

As I am sure you also know, from a grassroots perspective there are sparks running across the foundation of the church. People are beginning to understand the effect of 30 years of preaching religious culture as though it were the sovereign word of God. It hasn't worked, it hasn't produced the holiness that people who embrace the standards are supposed to have and have come to expect from others. The law is there, the attendance is there, but only, in my opinion through peer pressure, suggestion, and insinuation.

So in a few words, the UPC has always been about attempting to preserve and protect their biblical doctrines and their social doctrines in an attempt to maintain a religious separation from the mainstream, however people do not grow, they are not spiritually stronger, churches are not stronger when the organization has first and foremost its own existence as a priority. People are starting to figure it out.
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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And what do you suppose the response to this would be, Carp?!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:09 AM
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That would only take you about five minutes and the remaining 10 minutes would be stunned silence.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:12 AM
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I would ask them their purpose? Then I would ask them in measurable terms for a review of how they think they are doing?

I would then ask them if I could come back the following year to review their progress?

It appears each and every year it is the same of same old.

I would ask them for any community involvment or outreach that has been vetured into that did not first have a disclaimer of "Oneness" attached.

I would share with them they are no further in reaching the world or defining the modern issues in the UPCI then they were in 1978.

The year my Dad who was in the UPCI passed away.
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:42 AM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Oh My!!!!

Do you really want me to answer that?
I don't think so.
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:55 AM
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Your thread represents the stark reality that changes isn't coming it's already here. It is the nature of man to resist change even at the risk of missing what God is doing in this time in history.

I believe what we are witnessing what will be remembered as the start of the greatest revival this world has seen.

Thank you Carp, for inspiring us to keep our ear close to the heart of God. Let's remember to pray for those on the GB for God to give them direction, wisdom and strength.

I vote for Carp to represent the masses if given the opportunity to speak to the GB because he speaks the truth. Great thread!

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

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Old 03-11-2007, 11:58 AM
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If you were given 10 minutes to speak to the entire general board of the United Pentecostal Church what would you say? What would you ask. What are the issues you would like to discuss? (Quote Carpenter)...

Nothing at all. Their history speaks for itself, and their future rests in the heartbeat of their leaders.
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Old 03-11-2007, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
I would ask them their purpose? Then I would ask them in measurable terms for a review of how they think they are doing?

I would then ask them if I could come back the following year to review their progress?

It appears each and every year it is the same of same old.

I would ask them for any community involvment or outreach that has been vetured into that did not first have a disclaimer of "Oneness" attached.

I would share with them they are no further in reaching the world or defining the modern issues in the UPCI then they were in 1978.

The year my Dad who was in the UPCI passed away.
Man, are you really trying to say that the year your Dad died is the year the UPCI quit being effective?
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Old 03-11-2007, 01:48 PM

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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
I would ask them their purpose? Then I would ask them in measurable terms for a review of how they think they are doing?

I would then ask them if I could come back the following year to review their progress?

It appears each and every year it is the same of same old.

I would ask them for any community involvment or outreach that has been vetured into that did not first have a disclaimer of "Oneness" attached.

I would share with them they are no further in reaching the world or defining the modern issues in the UPCI then they were in 1978.

The year my Dad who was in the UPCI passed away.
On behalf of the General Board allow me to respond.
Dear Sir
Our purpose is to carry the whole gospel to the whole world. We clearly state our purpose on everything we print with our logo on it.
Our progress is reviewed on a semi-annual basis each March and September. All divisions also report on the same semi-annual basis. Complete financials and reports are made available to all members prior to our General Conference. If you are not a member (licensed) you will not receive a copy.
It seems you have a misconception of the purpose and power of the General Board. Community involvement and outreach are a district and local church function. Some are very involved some are not. As for functions having the term "oneness" attached, unless it has slipped your mind, we remain the premiere oneness organization in North America if not the world (please refer back to "Purpose" or "Faith, Articles of".
As far as 1978 is concerned, if you don't think there has been change since then you need to get out more.

The General Board
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Old 03-11-2007, 01:55 PM

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Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
I would like to know something.

If you were given 10 minutes to speak to the entire general board of the United Pentecostal Church what would you say? What would you ask. What are the issues you would like to discuss?

This would be what I would say.

Good day brethern, in the lovely name of Jesus, I only have 15 minutes so I will get to the point.

The state of the church, in my opinion cannot continue to operate as it has in the past with the same mindset toward organization and/or ministry. I say this because I understand how the business climate has changed dramatically from how business was conducted in past generations. The church cannot continue to operate in the vertical, top-down, heirarchical structure and still expect to succeed and maintain relevance.

Why has the secular business structure changed? Because our society has changed in terms of priorities, focus, education, and the natural cycle of change. Those same people are in your churches, believe it or not.

I know there are those who cross their arms with a crusty look and the resistive attitude that change=compromise, but those same people are the ones who will deprive their community of a church because that once they die off, the church will founder into non-existence.

As I am sure you also know, from a grassroots perspective there are sparks running across the foundation of the church. People are beginning to understand the effect of 30 years of preaching religious culture as though it were the sovereign word of God. It hasn't worked, it hasn't produced the holiness that people who embrace the standards are supposed to have and have come to expect from others. The law is there, the attendance is there, but only, in my opinion through peer pressure, suggestion, and insinuation.

So in a few words, the UPC has always been about attempting to preserve and protect their biblical doctrines and their social doctrines in an attempt to maintain a religious separation from the mainstream, however people do not grow, they are not spiritually stronger, churches are not stronger when the organization has first and foremost its own existence as a priority. People are starting to figure it out.
Again, unofficially on behalf of the General Board
Dear Sir
Our business model encourages grassroots representation of our membership from each state and province of North America. Our membership (ministers) vote on a variety of levels to choose their representation. I believe that you will find the same business model operating successfully as "America, United States of."
It would seem that your issue is not with the General Board which on a practical level has little or no power in a local church but with a specific local church or style of leadership.
Each member church is a sovereign body with its own bylaws and corporate governence. This business model of a man leading and speaking to the group gathered around him was developed by a business guru named Jesus of Nazareth and has operated with proven success for approximately 2000 years. We see no need to argue with success.
The guidelines for our project are taken from our best interpretation of our handbook, The Holy Bible. The condition of individuals who attend UPC churches varies from the carnal to the spiritual, the "worldly" to those who are holy in each aspect of life. On a local level souls are being won to God, families restored and lives transformed. Sorry if that doesn't align with your definition of success.
The GB
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