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Old 10-23-2007, 07:33 PM
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The Day is Coming When God will No Longer Be Needed...

I have been interested in the Science of Life for quite awhile. David wrote so aptly in Psalms that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. So many advances in health science that have brought healing to sick people, stopped disease and gave people a new lease on life that they might have not had. My statement is somewhat misleading because there will come a day when God may no longer be needed. Science is now advancing so much through technology that soon the blind will see and the lame will walk. There are men who have claimed to soon be able to create life. There are men who are working steady on improvements to bring healing to burn victims, heart attack and cancer patients. People diagnosed with emotional and mental sicknesses now are healed through the power of created medicines. And who could argue with those in these fields? Who would say that what they are doing is wrong when they are able to bring life back into the body, able to rebuild dead muscles and create veins that allow the blood to flow again? Who would stand and say, "Stop"? The answer is nobody and the days will approach that people instead of turning to God will turn away from Him because He is simply not needed.

And when that day comes I want to be looking up at the sky and saying to Him, "I'm still here waiting God and ready for you to come"...

Just some thoughts...
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
I have been interested in the Science of Life for quite awhile. David wrote so aptly in Psalms that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. So many advances in health science that have brought healing to sick people, stopped disease and gave people a new lease on life that they might have not had. My statement is somewhat misleading because there will come a day when God may no longer be needed. Science is now advancing so much through technology that soon the blind will see and the lame will walk. There are men who have claimed to soon be able to create life. There are men who are working steady on improvements to bring healing to burn victims, heart attack and cancer patients. People diagnosed with emotional and mental sicknesses now are healed through the power of created medicines. And who could argue with those in these fields? Who would say that what they are doing is wrong when they are able to bring life back into the body, able to rebuild dead muscles and create veins that allow the blood to flow again? Who would stand and say, "Stop"? The answer is nobody and the days will approach that people instead of turning to God will turn away from Him because He is simply not needed.

And when that day comes I want to be looking up at the sky and saying to Him, "I'm still here waiting God and ready for you to come"...

Just some thoughts...
So, if I understand... "soon" when medical science has advanced far enough some people will say that there is no need for God because the blind will see, and etc?

But today, the blind do not see, nor does God heal them all and there is no need for God? The lame do not walk and lepers are often not healed, but these unfortunate folks need God? Why? God didn't heal them, what's the point of believing in Him?

I think that in the hopefully near utopian future when the health sciences can heal everything from blindness to baldness that there will be the same "need for God" as today. God won't be any different just because my macula gets regenerated and I can see better. I might be a little different but my spirit will have the same needs. I don't think the advancements of science really have much bearing upon the existence of God. certainly, in the past some advances cleared up a lot of superstition; but that really says more about us as humans than it does about God.

So let the scientists study and explore (within ethical guidelines). That will only benefit human beings over all. And maybe some of the successes of science, like clean drinking water and more nourishing food in impoverished areas, will give hope to people overwhelmed by despair. That hope just might be what they need to cause them to look up and consider that if there's a little good in this world (like scientific progress) then maybe there's really a God after all.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:26 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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God is sitting in heaven when a scientist prays to Him, "God, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning."

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting...show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"No, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
God is sitting in heaven when a scientist prays to Him, "God, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning."

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting...show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"No, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."
I love this one...
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:32 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
I love this one...
It is not my own, and I wish I knew who the original author was.

Good stuff.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
God is sitting in heaven when a scientist prays to Him, "God, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning."

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting...show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"No, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."
This is good. It also points out that what "we" (as in we humans) are learning to do is to manipulate - not create. We are manipulating forces and materials already in existence. Technically, there's still "nothing new under the sun." Just something new that we have learned to do.

But when that manipulation results in human suffering being relieved, I think it's worth celebrating.

When someone else comes along with a load of hype and hubris claiming to have "played God," I think we need to pause and reconsider.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:55 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Actually, for those who have an open mind about science, they find that it only proves the existence of God the more they see.
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
I have been interested in the Science of Life for quite awhile. David wrote so aptly in Psalms that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. So many advances in health science that have brought healing to sick people, stopped disease and gave people a new lease on life that they might have not had. My statement is somewhat misleading because there will come a day when God may no longer be needed. Science is now advancing so much through technology that soon the blind will see and the lame will walk. There are men who have claimed to soon be able to create life. There are men who are working steady on improvements to bring healing to burn victims, heart attack and cancer patients. People diagnosed with emotional and mental sicknesses now are healed through the power of created medicines. And who could argue with those in these fields? Who would say that what they are doing is wrong when they are able to bring life back into the body, able to rebuild dead muscles and create veins that allow the blood to flow again? Who would stand and say, "Stop"? The answer is nobody and the days will approach that people instead of turning to God will turn away from Him because He is simply not needed.

And when that day comes I want to be looking up at the sky and saying to Him, "I'm still here waiting God and ready for you to come"...

Just some thoughts...

The truth of the matter is that medical science creates as many problems as it solves. Yes, it can help extend life, but many times is without much quality of life. Many of the so called miracle drugs cause other problems that require other health issues. I believe we have great medical help in crisis, but drugs cause other issues that show up down the road.

I not ready to trade my God for man's advances, as good as some of them are, I'm still looking for the redemption of the creation.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 10-23-2007, 09:13 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Actually, for those who have an [I]open mind[/I] about science, they find that it only proves the existence of God the more they see.
I caught that!

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Old 10-23-2007, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
God is sitting in heaven when a scientist prays to Him, "God, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning."

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting...show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"No, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."
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