TBN ALERT! AtlantaBishop to be interviewed Tomorrow!!!!
??????????DID YOU HEAR????????????? Atlanta Bishop will be a GUEST OF TBN tomorrow night WITH
Bishop Marvin Winans, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Bishop Paul Morton Bishop Darrell Hines.CLINT BROWN will be providing the music!!!!!!!
Please leave your comments here !!!! Thanks A Bunch !!!!!
Sandra is right - Marvin Sapp will be doing the music. I will be on the front row again and when they called, they said they wanted to "Spotlight" our ministry again. I will not be a regular guest. I know all the guests that are on so maybe they will give me more time!
I will assure you - I will be READY this time and will try NOT to sit with - the "CO-OWNER of God's Multiple Sclerosis Network I'm the Apple of God's eye - Don't take a bite out of me - Deliverance Center"!
Man - that one sure threw me for a loop and they had little books and CD's they were giving out. LOL
God is opening up great doors - THANKS SANDRA! Your Great!