Originally Posted by ILG
Well the news came back not quite as good as we'd hoped. There is some in a lymph node and some spots on his liver. The dr doesn't think the spot on his liver could be cancer....going by the logic that testicluar cancer usually doesn't spread to the liver. But I know that he's already had bladder cancer. So, I'm scared. He has to have an ultrasound to find out what's going on there. The lymph node is close to the kidney, so they think he might have to go chemo rather than radiation. Please keep praying, I want God to be with us. I know He is, I just never understand these things. My husband's 40th birthday is tomorrow.
I, too, had hoped for good news from your husband's report, ILG.
Remember, God is still in control.
We're still praying. I have a son your husband's age.