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Old 10-06-2007, 10:30 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
Urban Pastor

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Salisbury, NC
Posts: 2,214
Thanks Pastor Daniel

Originally Posted by PastorDaniel View Post
I was at Church Alive Atlanta on Sunday Night. It was awesome. The church was PACKED out. Watch out Bishop...good thing your leasing...you have to move again soon!!

The worship, preaching, and altar service were amazing! The altars were packed out with people getting delivered, healed, and restored!

It was amazing...people were falling out in the Spirit...speaking in tongues...shouting. You'd thinkg it was a true pentecostal church..

And after church we fellowshipped in a new fellowship facility with a very elegant dinner. MAN...Bishop even had staff serving us tea,coffee, and removing our plates when done. It was better than a high dollar restaurant and him and his church provided it ALL!!

The fellowship hall was nearly full with guest pastors....all networking together in Jesus name. I personally sat with a pastor that pastor's 8000.

AtlantaBishop certainly allows the Lord to use him in great ways!!

Pardon my testimony....I just see so many on here that like to share the facts....so I thought I'd share some too.

Pastor Daniel
You'd thinkg it was a true pentecostal church

That is so funny! The Charismatic Churches think we are ULTRA-CONSERVITIVE because my wife wears a dress on Sunday and I wear a suit. LOL - People are so funny!

Thanks Pastor Daniel, It was a joy to see you there and to fellowship with you. It is so great to be able to host conservative men and progressive men in the same house - we are all brothers. The thing I hate to see is when someone gets in the pulpit and takes a potshot at those that don't subscribe to his view of things. There is one young man that I won't have back in the pulpit because of his "DO YOU KNOW WHO JESUS IS?" rant. I think he carried on all that because he wanted to brag to his friends that he came and straightened us all out! LOL
Several pastors came laughing to me and said - Thank you for what you said - "Isn't it good to know that we ALL know who Jesus is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so sad that some come with a personal agenda and think everyone is stupid and don't know who Jesus is.
Well - anyway - Thanks for coming and our next fellowship will include many more Pastors that were not able to be at this one.
We are hosting about 80 first time guest in a Get Acquainted Night - tonight and then in the morning - I am preaching part three of an illustrated message on FIVE STONES OF VICTORY! We are also preparing to go to 9AM & 11 AM in November so there is a LOT on my plate right now - plus still trying to move out of my house in Woodstock and get totally moved into Lawrenceville.

God is moving in a mighty way at CHURCH ALIVE of Atlanta - come see us and Thanks Again - Pastor Daniel!!
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