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Old 09-12-2007, 11:44 AM
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Resolution #4: What it's NOT About!!!!!!!!

There has been much written form both sides of the TV issue trying to explain their fears and concerns if the vote doesn't go their way.

In fact, most that has been written doesn't deal with the REAL issue!

It is with that thought in mind that I wish to list what #4 is NOT about:

1. It is NOT about whether TV is better or worse than the internet! Those that are trying to justify the internet vs. TV are wasting their time! Statistics are not on your side of the argument!

2. It is NOT about the costs of advertising on TV! Most will not advertise even though it can be done sometimes for free!

3. It is NOT about how effective TV advertising would be in winning souls! Has there been due diligence done as to how effective radio, newspaper, billboard, and other media is per time and money spent? I don't think so!!

It's ALL about control!! It's about whether the UPCI organization should control how a member pastor chooses to evangelize and advertise their own church!

If you want to control how other pastors evangelize, vote "NO"!

If you want to give freedom to individual pastors as to how they want to evangelize the Apostolic message, vote "YES"! This doesn't mean you necessarily endorse what others are doing, as you still control what your individual church does.

It's about controlling the destiny of the organization. Does the UPCI become even more rules regulated, or does it open up for tolerance of differences of opinion that are non-doctrinal?
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:38 PM
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It's not about pizza either!
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
There has been much written form both sides of the TV issue trying to explain their fears and concerns if the vote doesn't go their way.

In fact, most that has been written doesn't deal with the REAL issue!

It is with that thought in mind that I wish to list what #4 is NOT about:

1. It is NOT about whether TV is better or worse than the internet! Those that are trying to justify the internet vs. TV are wasting their time! Statistics are not on your side of the argument!

2. It is NOT about the costs of advertising on TV! Most will not advertise even though it can be done sometimes for free!

3. It is NOT about how effective TV advertising would be in winning souls! Has there been due diligence done as to how effective radio, newspaper, billboard, and other media is per time and money spent? I don't think so!!

It's ALL about control!! It's about whether the UPCI organization should control how a member pastor chooses to evangelize and advertise their own church!

If you want to control how other pastors evangelize, vote "NO"!

If you want to give freedom to individual pastors as to how they want to evangelize the Apostolic message, vote "YES"! This doesn't mean you necessarily endorse what others are doing, as you still control what your individual church does.

It's about controlling the destiny of the organization. Does the UPCI become even more rules regulated, or does it open up for tolerance of differences of opinion that are non-doctrinal?
Do you have a dog in this fight?
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Do you have a dog in this fight?

Just a view from the bleachers! I do care because it's where my roots are. I still have many friends that are in the UPCI!
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:52 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
There has been much written form both sides of the TV issue trying to explain their fears and concerns if the vote doesn't go their way.

In fact, most that has been written doesn't deal with the REAL issue!

It is with that thought in mind that I wish to list what #4 is NOT about:

1. It is NOT about whether TV is better or worse than the internet! Those that are trying to justify the internet vs. TV are wasting their time! Statistics are not on your side of the argument!

2. It is NOT about the costs of advertising on TV! Most will not advertise even though it can be done sometimes for free!

3. It is NOT about how effective TV advertising would be in winning souls! Has there been due diligence done as to how effective radio, newspaper, billboard, and other media is per time and money spent? I don't think so!!

It's ALL about control!! It's about whether the UPCI organization should control how a member pastor chooses to evangelize and advertise their own church!

If you want to control how other pastors evangelize, vote "NO"!

If you want to give freedom to individual pastors as to how they want to evangelize the Apostolic message, vote "YES"! This doesn't mean you necessarily endorse what others are doing, as you still control what your individual church does.

It's about controlling the destiny of the organization. Does the UPCI become even more rules regulated, or does it open up for tolerance of differences of opinion that are non-doctrinal?
be careful pinao man my friend, you are speaking truth, folks are persecuted and belittled for speaking the truth, my dad told me that he doesnt think it will pass, and the reason you stated is pretty much what he said, to bad, some could use it to do good, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 09-12-2007, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
be careful pinao man my friend, you are speaking truth, folks are persecuted and belittled for speaking the truth, my dad told me that he doesnt think it will pass, and the reason you stated is pretty much what he said, to bad, some could use it to do good, dt
Do we really need to be careful when "speaking the Truth"?

I suppose one could correlate the "pearls before swine" into being careful were you speak the Truth.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
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Old 09-12-2007, 01:00 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Do we really need to be careful when "speaking the Truth"?

I suppose one could correlate the "perals before swine" into being careful were you speak the Truth.
my cautious words to a friend are completely tic, i think you should tell the truth even if it blows there ears off, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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Old 09-12-2007, 01:03 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
There has been much written form both sides of the TV issue trying to explain their fears and concerns if the vote doesn't go their way.

In fact, most that has been written doesn't deal with the REAL issue!

It is with that thought in mind that I wish to list what #4 is NOT about:

1. It is NOT about whether TV is better or worse than the internet! Those that are trying to justify the internet vs. TV are wasting their time! Statistics are not on your side of the argument!
OR they are defending themselves from accusations of hypocrisy.

2. It is NOT about the costs of advertising on TV! Most will not advertise even though it can be done sometimes for free!

3. It is NOT about how effective TV advertising would be in winning souls! Has there been due diligence done as to how effective radio, newspaper, billboard, and other media is per time and money spent? I don't think so!!
Then why do the pro-tv people, when cornered, start to confess a sincere and deep-seated concern and affection for high-rise apartment dwellers?

It's ALL about control!! It's about whether the UPCI organization should control how a member pastor chooses to evangelize and advertise their own church!
May I infer that there is no room within the limits of the scope of your vision for the concerns that granting tacit approval of the medium, INCLUDING ITS PROGRAMMING, will prove detrimental?

From that standpoint, It's all about protection and precedence!

If you want to control how other pastors evangelize, vote "NO"!

If you want to give freedom to individual pastors as to how they want to evangelize the Apostolic message, vote "YES"! This doesn't mean you necessarily endorse what others are doing, as you still control what your individual church does.
Most by now are acquainted with this opinion.

It's about controlling the destiny of the organization. Does the UPCI become even more rules regulated, or does it open up for tolerance of differences of opinion that are non-doctrinal?
It's a tragic commentary indeed that people's first love has grown so cold that these guidelines have become viewed as doctrinal, rather than excellent suggestions for maintaining a life that's pure, holy, and pleasing to God.
Engineering solutions for theological problems.

Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Old 09-12-2007, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
my cautious words to a friend are completely tic, i think you should tell the truth even if it blows there ears off, lol,dt
Thanks for your words of caution!

The issue has been made turbid, and I wanted to bring clarity!

I wonder if anyone is still open to listen to God's will, or has everyone made up their minds already? I think almost everyone is solidly in one camp or another! The miracle will happen if some preachers change their vote at GC!
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Old 09-12-2007, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
OR they are defending themselves from accusations of hypocrisy.
True! There have been assertions and accusations flying from both sides!

Then why do the pro-tv people, when cornered, start to confess a sincere and deep-seated concern and affection for high-rise apartment dwellers?
Some people are becoming more recluse and harder to reach. But..that's NOT what this issue is about!

May I infer that there is no room within the limits of the scope of your vision for the concerns that granting tacit approval of the medium, INCLUDING ITS PROGRAMMING, will prove detrimental?

From that standpoint, It's all about protection and precedence!
That sounds like communism! We will take control of everything thing in your life for your own protection. We are protecting you from yourself, because we don't believe you have the ability to make sound decisions for yourself!

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Most by now are acquainted with this opinion.

It's a tragic commentary indeed that people's first love has grown so cold that these guidelines have become viewed as doctrinal, rather than excellent suggestions for maintaining a life that's pure, holy, and pleasing to God.
True! But when an excellent suggestion becomes a cookie cutter, it invites rebellion or indifference. What might be an excellent suggestion for some, would set stringent guidelines for others that might have more will-power!
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