I ran into a conservative at Radiology this morning. I haven't seen her in several yrs. She got married and moved away. She happens to be in town visiting her family.. but yeah...
Anyway, we got a talkin! She asked why she hasn't seen me in church. I told her that I don't do the "standards," and therefore I will not attend a conservative church for the sake of peace, etc.
She tells me "don't worry about standards right now.. they will come in time."
and I thought.. Okay, Almost ten yrs later, if "standards" were going to be in my heart, I'd think they'd be written on the flesh tablets by now!!
I just smiled at her and said "... pastor ---- is a good man! But I disagree with standards.. and that's that..."
The woman replies "..ask God and He will put the standards in your heart...."
and before I could say anything I was called in for X-rays.
I loove this woman. She and her family were always good to me.
But I am amazed at that kind of thinking.. "ask God and He will put the standards in your heart.."
I'm just venting a little..