Originally Posted by Trouvere
How antiquated that is.People don't watch tv anymore.They pull up their
favorite shows archived on the web and watch them.
Advertizing ought to be done on the web where videos are pulled up
for that three minutes of boredom we all get before
we watch the MSN video of the day.etc.
The "masses" have television but do not have TIVO, DVR's or Internet... everyone is not fortunate enough to have these things... however, I have sat in a 2 room shack in a small village in India and watched television, while sitting in a room with only plastic furniture. The only other furniture was a small bed in the other room that a family of 4 slept in together.
Remember that the lifestyle we enjoy in the US is not typical of the rest of the world and there are a lot more of them than of us.
Sure, get an internet broadcast if it makes you feel better, you might reach some spoiled kid down the street one day... but who is going to reach those who cannot afford to go into a city and login to the internet and pay by the minute?