Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
We are blessed to have men that pray. Brother Alvear stresses that men are to be the example.
My dear late father, pastor, stressed prayer and reading God' Word
as a must. He taught us that you cannot live for God IF you do not
pray and read God's Word. As I grew older I remember thinking, "I
have GOT to pray and read God's Word! I have GOT to, or I can't live
for God. The importance was stressed so much that it became "carved"
in my heart. The older I got, the more I realized how true it was and is!
He would also say" The enemy will program every moment of your time,
....IF you let him". This is so true! There came a time in my life that
prayer and reading became more important than anything else. Many
times it boils down to priorities. What is important to us and what is the
MOST important things to us. I do not say these things to condemn
anyone! I speak the truth in love for I have seen these things. I have
also seen the enemy divide parents and children who were very close
and the parents got so busy "working for God" that the enemy slipped
their children right out of the church. Lost connection. The enemy does
not care how much you "work and stay busy" for God if he can just have
your children. Pharoah told Moses he could go out and worship, just leave
your women and children. Leave your cattle. Pharoah knew if he could
seperate the families he could have better control. Is it any different today!
Every man shall bear his own burden. We are responsible for what we
have "birthed". It begins in our homes. Not in the church!
How many men and women work and provide for their families and then
what little spare time they have, are constantly called to "meetings",
etc. fellowships, etc. and leave no family time. Whose minding the kids!
No wonder many have lost the joy of the Lord when they have lost
their children to the world. When we hear from Dist. Supts's wives and
missionaries tell us we are losing 80 to 85% of our children to the world,
something is very wrong. Who really is controlling our lives. If it is cost-
ing us our children, and later our grandchildren, have we really been
"working for God"! Children are His heritage and He has entrusted them
into our hands for a time! We had better awake out of our sleep, it is
later than we realize!!!! The truth of the matter IS, we don't just have
to pray, we GET to!!!
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