Originally Posted by stmatthew
I am looking at this purely doctrinally. Everything in me wishes that on that fateful day years ago that Howard would have not only let Vestal be baptized in Jesus name, but would have entered the waters himself.
Even if you place an IF into the equation, it would show that there was a possibility. In this day when all doctrine is being discarded, I personally want to be a clear note. I do not want to even leave a question in anyones mind as to what I believe it takes to be saved. It has nothing to do with judging anyone. If I am not clear, they may not have a clear message as to what it is going to take them to enter in to the joy of the Lord. It bothers me that anyone would claim to believe this message, and then speak any possibility of salvation through anything other than acts 2:38.
I know most of what you do is light hearted, and I have no problem with most of it. Its just that I see that anything regarding salvational issues MUST be a CLEAR NOTE. Someones eternity depends upon our clarity.
Yall can put your swords up....Bu I am going to make this statement....
You cross a line here that I respect, but I will not cross...
God and he alone decides the fate of men and knows the thoughts and intents of the heart.
I am for clarity.....But man tends to muddy up what God intends to be clear.
When someone is alive I will go the mile to the doors of hell if I have to to tell them about the salvation plan.
BUT...once they enter into the valley that David wrote about, I will Not say anything that will say where they spent their eternity.
That just smells of rotten judgmentalism!
That, My Friend, is a line that I will not cross.
I hope to see ALOT of folks up there that were good Christian people that lived their lives to serve and bring glory to Jesus.
Will this happen? God only knows...but I do hope it anyways...