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Old 01-14-2021, 09:14 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
We had a Prime Minister McKenzie King during the second world war. He was a liberal like Justin Trudeau and he held seances in 24 Sussex Drive. That is the equivalent of the WH.
Justin Trudeau's wife is a self confessed spirit channeller or medium. What is it about politicians and the occult?
Probably knowing more happening on the world stage, they become afraid and try to seek answers and direction that only God can give. Like King Saul and the witch of Endor.
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Old 01-14-2021, 10:00 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
What is it about politicians and the occult?
They are members of secret societies which are occultist groups. That's how they keep everybody in line and make sure only certain people ever "succeed" in certain sectors of society.
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Old 01-14-2021, 10:35 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

After reading this thread, I gotta say — I want some of whatever Ron is smoking. Bro, you seem like you’re about one bad trip away from losing all sense of reality. Hang in there, buddy. ��
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Old 01-14-2021, 11:39 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
They are members of secret societies which are occultist groups. That's how they keep everybody in line and make sure only certain people ever "succeed" in certain sectors of society.
My statement was rhetorical.
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Old 01-14-2021, 11:40 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by OnTheFritz View Post
After reading this thread, I gotta say — I want some of whatever Ron is smoking. Bro, you seem like you’re about one bad trip away from losing all sense of reality. Hang in there, buddy. ��
You ain't the first one or the last one! But, I can only speak the truth.
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Old 01-14-2021, 11:53 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Information being made public hasn't done anything except turn 2/3rds of the country into what only a couple years ago was called "crazy tin foil conspiracy theorists". Declassification means information already known by the government has been deemed by the government to no longer pose any direct or serious threat to the government. Any information being declassified will result in exactly ZERO legal repercussions. They already had the info to begin with and did nothing about it.

Oh, and the guy in Italy admitted to being part of the US election fraud. Why aren't we bombing Italy and China already? Why, because the "US Government" is a wholly owned subsidiary of various foreign agents.
You aren't bombing Italy and China because you need justification for doing that. The world is a complicated place. You are complicated, one week you are believing in the NWO and the next you are saying we are tin foil conspirists, or am I understanding it wrong?
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Old 01-15-2021, 11:22 AM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

I have many--MANY friends, and a step-daughter (who is a nurse practitioner) that believes Biden will be frog-marched in handcuffs in a few days.

last night, I could see the genuine belief in her eyes. And I'll tell you something. It broke my heart.

Not because I think the hopeful outlook at the base of the majority of the "Q" is something pathologically dangerous (although a widespread consensus as such will produce the kind of people that showed up with zip ties to the capitol). But because their genuine hopes are getting ready to be dashed against some very cruel rocks.

The people trusting these prophets like Kat Kerr aren't all comprised people who normally glom on to clown shows. Every single person close to me that believes in this are all amazing, God-fearing people who love their families, and their country, and want the parameter's for freedom to be preserved.

My daughter is a medical professional. And yet her heart is simple. I'm not looking forward to the precipitous ache she's getting ready to experience. I'll be here for her.

I remember reading a quote from Shirley Temple" "I believed in Santa until he asked for my autograph."

Nuff said.
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Old 01-15-2021, 12:15 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Excellent response to Liz Cheney from Wyoming GOP!

January 13, 2021

The wind in Wyoming has been horrendous today—with gusts up to 65 miles per hour. That is nothing compared to the whirlwind created by Representative Cheney’s announcement that she would be voting to impeach President Trump, and her subsequent follow-through of doing just that.

There has not been a time during our tenure when we have seen this type of an outcry from our fellow Republicans, with the anger and frustration being palpable in the comments we have received. Our telephone has not stopped ringing, our email is filling up, and our website has seen more traffic than at any previous time. The consensus is clear that those who are reaching out to the Party vehemently disagree with Representative Cheney’s decision and actions.

Considering the overwhelming interest in this issue the Wyoming Republican Party leadership felt that it was important to share with Representative Cheney the nature of the comments and outcry we have received.

By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the “evidence” before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made.

Wyoming voted for the reelection of President Trump by a margin of 70% to 30%. 195,000 Wyomingites voted for President Trump. Representative Cheney is in Washington, DC to represent Wyoming’s interest, not the interest of the beltway elites.

President Trump did not incite anyone to riot. Read the transcript of what he said and watch the video.

We have watched the leftists and progressives in this country riot, burn, kill, maim, loot and destroy cities and communities for 7 months, often with Democrat leaders egging them on, bailing them out and refusing to condemn their actions.

Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the “worst thing ever in our history” (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.

The Democrats are using this to smear the entire conservative movement and all Republicans. By voting to impeach, Representative Cheney is helping them in that effort.

Wyoming’s way of life and our entire economic future is under attack. We count on our elected officials to protect us. This move to impeach President Trump shows that we have a real reason to fear what is going to happen under the Biden administration.

This move to impeach President Trump makes it that much more difficult for our country to solve the serious problems we have, including Chinese and Iranian aggression, our overwhelming debt, and the catastrophic response to covid19.

These are only some of the themes of the comments we have received. We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country.

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Old 01-15-2021, 12:30 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Remember this from not too long ago? Leaked Zoom conference call with leftists democrats plotting the Capitol breakin. Open and shut case:

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Old 01-15-2021, 01:17 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
There is a reason there is 20,000 -30,000 troops in DC alone. Not for Biden's inauguration, because he said he would do it virtual, but because the insurection Act has been signed and the Military has been in charge since last week.
I won't say God told me because He did not. But I had an incredible thought....

Sometime this week, or over the past weekend, riot proof fencing was installed all around the US Capitol building. They even wrapped the top of the fence with razor wire.

Would you believe if I told you the fence wasn't to keep the protesters out but was put in place to keep the members of Congress IN! This way they can be easily arrested for their treason.

Last edited by n david; 01-15-2021 at 01:19 PM.
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