Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
I have always suspected what he believes. When I have asked him about it he always denied.
Mike, you are such a girl.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Lets see how this works.
It doesn't because you never answer our questions. MANCHILD MINISTRY that is your Bible study group on PalTalk? How can it be a MANCHILD MINISTRY when it is comprised of nothing but housewives? You love to hear these housewives say, "Oh, Mike we have never heard such deep spiritual words. Our pastor doesn't even know all that you know. You are so pure, and perfect, and your love of strife is so amazing. Can we send you our tithes?"
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Do you believe Jesus came and resurrected the dead Christians and gathered the living to himself in 70ad?
Mike, you are out of your league with Diakonos, he is unwilling to take part in your reindeer games.