Not at all! Cooking bacon in the microwave is super easy and the results are amazing, you just have to experiment a bit with the time setting. It is usually anywhere from 1 to 4 minutes depending on how crispy you like it and how powerful you're microwave is. Be sure to save the grease for your beans!
Take some bacon into the CERN?
May I ask what is in your beans that you would have drippings?
We always use animal fat in our foods, which we add to the beans. But, it sounds like you are saying that your beans are producing fat which you save?
Please explain, but please do it without a philosophical ballet.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
it sounds like you are saying that your beans are producing fat which you save?
I don't know how you are concluding this from what I wrote, but if you think beans are capable of producing grease then we know who does all the cooking around your house, lol. When bacon is cooked in the microwave, the fat melts but is not otherwise damaged. It can then be collected and saved for later use. I use the grease for browning onions and garlic, which I then use to make refried beans, but you can also just add the grease to a pot of beans and then skim the grease off once the beans have cooled in the fridge. Search Amazon for "microwave bacon" and you will find a number of trays made just for cooking bacon in the microwave; the grease collects in the bottom and pours easily while hot.
Dogs love bacon grease too, so you can also use it as a treat for them after you skim it off the beans...why waste it, right? Just beware that onion is toxic for dogs, so if you cook your beans with an onion throw the skimmed-off grease away.
One more thing about the grease from cooking bacon in the microwave, you will notice there are tiny bits in the grease at the bottom of the cooking container or tray. Those bits are full of flavor, so treat them like they are worth their weight in gold and save all you can, which usually means scraping them up with a spoon.
I don't know how you are concluding this from what I wrote,
I reread your post and see that you meant save the grease for your beans.
Originally Posted by wire2john
but if you think beans are capable of producing grease then we know who does all the cooking around your house, lol.
I guess you didn't read my post. Ok.
Originally Posted by wire2john
When bacon is cooked in the microwave, the fat melts but is not otherwise damaged.
Radiation isn't what I call cooking.
Radiation is what you do to cancer cells.
Not bacon.
Originally Posted by wire2john
It can then be collected and saved for later use. I use the grease for browning onions and garlic, which I then use to make refried beans, but you can also just add the grease to a pot of beans and then skim the grease off once the beans have cooled in the fridge.
Skim off cold fat?
Originally Posted by wire2john
Search Amazon for "microwave bacon" and you will find a number of trays made just for cooking bacon in the microwave; the grease collects in the bottom and pours easily while hot.
Thank you, but no thanks. I'll stick with iron and allow you to Frankenstein food.
Originally Posted by wire2john
Dogs love bacon grease too,
So do rats.
Originally Posted by wire2john
so you can also use it as a treat for them after you skim it off the beans...why waste it, right?
Thank you for your suggestions but I'll feed my animals animal chow, and keep my bacon.
Originally Posted by wire2john
Just beware that onion is toxic for dogs, so if you cook your beans with an onion throw the skimmed-off grease away.
Bro, I owned pit bulls most of my life and seen them eat everything and anything including gun powder. So, maybe you should watch what your Pomeranian eats.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
One more thing about the grease from cooking bacon in the microwave, you will notice there are tiny bits in the grease at the bottom of the cooking container or tray. Those bits are full of flavor, so treat them like they are worth their weight in gold and save all you can, which usually means scraping them up with a spoon.
Now I know I'm staying away from microwaved bacon!
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Bro, I owned pit bulls most of my life and seen them eat everything and anything including gun powder. So, maybe you should watch what your Pomeranian eats.
I pity any of God's creations that find themselves under your stewardship, including the two-legged variety.
I pity any of God's creations that find themselves under your stewardship, including the two-legged variety.
Your no better than anyone else, so come down from Valhalla oh pure one.
So funny.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
I am sure that is true, but I am better off in the sense that I want to be a kinder, gentler, meeker man. God could transform you as well, but the road is rough and I'm starting to think there are no short cuts. But maybe I'm wrong and an easier way is possible; I hope I am.