Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I have attended services years ago at the Holiness Church of God in Jesus Name in Newport, TN. It was a little clap board church with the back hanging out over a creek. It was difficult to get to as we had to park on one side of the bridge and walk across it as it was very rickety. They sang and shouted and screamed and ran and jumped and twirled and preached about One God and Baptized in Jesus Name and handling serpents and signs following.
The pastor was Liston Pack - he was also a truck driver. They handled many different serpents and one 16 year old boy - had about 7 - 8 of them at one time. They were VERY HOLINESS minded people. Most of them did not read or write. Liston Pack died of a snake bite several weeks after I was there. His brother then became the pastor and soon died of snake bite too. I did see them drink poison - handle fire and many other things without incident.
I talked with them at length and they were good God loving people - ONENESS PENTECOSTAL PEOPLE!
I have concluded - if you handle long enough - you will be bitten and you will die. JMHO
I was there also in the early 70's. Met ole Liston and Bro. Ball (first name might have been Odd)