The remark about Clinton’s middle-class affinity is betrayed by her donor base—according to federal election data for the 2016 race, Clinton’s top contributors include Soros Fund Management and the Saban Capital Group. Since entering politics Clinton has taken money from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, and Lehman Brothers.
Banks and corporations support Clinton despite her pledge to force the wealthy to pay more taxes. She claims Americans earning over $250,000 a year are rich. Campaign trail rhetoric, however, is routinely betrayed after a candidate reaches the White House. Obama went back on numerous campaign promises, including lifting a payroll tax cap on earnings about $250,000.
What!! I thought the rich and powerful were supporting Trump!! After all, isn't he
their guy, as some keep saying?
This also blows the myth that the GOP is the party of the rich and powerful. But the blind millions won't get it.