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Old 12-15-2015, 02:00 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

well, 911 has been suspected of being a false-flag, marked by concurrent "training exercises" and all of the other by now recognizable telltales; comical official story, lack of straight answers, suppressed initial news items, emerging truth denied and lost amid the storm of irrelevant tripe, etc. So let's say "disputed," as i have no idea what happened. Funny you say "kill em all," though, as pretty much everyone with some truth to tell is now dead, or dying, or got a pass back to Israel.

And "Seal the borders and stop the visas is not really war mongering," perhaps--ahem--but "this is war" is, if those are not. Lol. So it becomes about what one wants to repeat, i guess. "Seal the borders, the sky is falling" prolly sounds like a safety measure to many, but it is really about a freedom that you had, even if you never used it, and now you are clamoring to have it taken away, a la 1984.

If you really believe "vetting" or some other ridiculous political notion is a problem, take one of your guns out to your back yard--the fenced-in part--and fire it, once. One time. Then see how long it takes for the cops to arrive. You are being lied to; right out of a manual. And i don't expect this post to make any difference. But it will be evidence against anyone, including me i guess.

Last edited by shazeep; 12-15-2015 at 02:03 PM.
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Old 12-15-2015, 02:16 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
well, 911 has been suspected of being a false-flag, marked by concurrent "training exercises" and all of the other by now recognizable telltales; comical official story, lack of straight answers, suppressed initial news items, emerging truth denied and lost amid the storm of irrelevant tripe, etc. So let's say "disputed," as i have no idea what happened. Funny you say "kill em all," though, as pretty much everyone with some truth to tell is now dead, or dying, or got a pass back to Israel.

And "Seal the borders and stop the visas is not really war mongering," perhaps--ahem--but "this is war" is, if those are not. Lol. So it becomes about what one wants to repeat, i guess. "Seal the borders, the sky is falling" prolly sounds like a safety measure to many, but it is really about a freedom that you had, even if you never used it, and now you are clamoring to have it taken away, a la 1984.

If you really believe "vetting" or some other ridiculous political notion is a problem, take one of your guns out to your back yard--the fenced-in part--and fire it, once. One time. Then see how long it takes for the cops to arrive. You are being lied to; right out of a manual. And i don't expect this post to make any difference. But it will be evidence against anyone, including me i guess.
shaz - give me one fact to support 9/11 being a false flag.
What freedom did I have that would be taken away by sealing the borders?
And a gun firing? That's laughable. Where I live guns are fired all the time. Not one day goes by without innumerable gunshots being heard.
And guess what, no police show up and no one is shot.
Now, I know what you are referring to, with the police being able to track down where guns are fired, but it isn't happening here.
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Old 12-15-2015, 04:50 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

911 false flag
i am done with, for life. It's going to be another "who killed JFK" boondoggle; 90% have no clue, and the other 10% know 2+2. Just highlight the phrase , Rclick, and click on "search google for..." better you make up your own mind, if the few telltales i mentioned don't suit you.

what freedom
the freedom to move about the country freely; "sealing the borders" is an inside joke, and it always will be. The whole point is to get you--or actually your kids--used to presenting your papers to authorities. Seen the "Little Passport" game for little kids that just started with their ads yet? And of course it's already gotten exponentially more difficult to go to any Muslim country.

gun firing
ok, so you live in the country. Go to, say, San Bernardino and try it...ya, you already know.

Last edited by shazeep; 12-15-2015 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 12-17-2015, 02:38 PM
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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

There is technology now on college campuses where a gunshot can be tracked to where it originated immediately for use by the campus police.
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Old 12-17-2015, 03:11 PM
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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

When did Congress declare war? Did I miss something?
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Old 12-17-2015, 04:32 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

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Old 12-17-2015, 07:03 PM
n david n david is offline
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Haha! "Get over it! Get a job!"

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Old 12-18-2015, 05:07 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

Right click and Google 9/11 conspiracies and you'll learn the truth??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 12-18-2015, 06:51 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

hmm, not sure i would follow that path, but the truth comes out even in hearing lies. Truth on the internet even looks different than the lies; the sourcing, etc. but in the case of 911, just like who killed JFK, one only needs to listen to the official account to understand that they are being lied to.

Is the extreme other position--that the entire government is culpable (or whatever) the truth? Surely not--they also have an agenda. The question for us here should be "Why does a Christian even care?" as either answer to the previous questions represents hypocrisy for one who has supposedly left the world; but i grant you that they are interesting. Like peering in to any other crimes, i guess.

So to me a person's focus alone becomes a marker for their level of vanity; but i would hold a committed conspiracy theorist to be no better off than a committed statist, personally.
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Old 12-18-2015, 06:55 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

Originally Posted by StillStanding View Post
There is technology now on college campuses where a gunshot can be tracked to where it originated immediately for use by the campus police.
i think it is in most cities as well. After 911, prolly most large towns. Never researched it though. My Jacksonville cop friend tells me that they anticipate being able to be on the scene in 90 seconds or less, except during shift changes.
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