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Old 09-21-2015, 07:42 PM
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J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
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The elephant in the room.

The fight against T.V. is over.
Why has the clear and certain sound disappeared? Where are the voices that were so frequently heard saying no? No to the influence of the world, No to Hollywood, No to the filthy medium that has beset so many. The sewer pipe that spews it's filth into every home that has partaken. Why the justification? Why the letting down? Why the excuses? The fight against television is no more with the advent of YouTube.

The fight for things sacred is over.
Anymore at meetings I look around and see cell phones. From the pulpit to the pew. While the preaching is going forth people are texting, answering texts. Searching the Internet while the man of God is doing his best to preach from his iPad. What happened to the sacredness of the church, what happened to the sacredness of the house of God? Technology has invaded the Church.

While the ark was in Jerusalem the priest was still ministering in the Tabernacle at Gibeon unto the Lord. Because that place was still sacred. And though the Holy Ghost may dwell in our soul, the church and our home is still a place to be kept sacred and set apart.

These things aught not to be!

The elephant in the room.
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!

Last edited by J.A. Perez; 09-21-2015 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 09-21-2015, 10:16 PM
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Re: The elephant in the room.

JA... you know what ... I agree with you. ... on one thing. Technology has not taken us anywhere good.

However, I believe the UPC and every other group that started out preaching against TV, messed up when they began preaching specifically against the TV. TV is not all bad, but it has way more bad than good. What happened was that instead of teaching people the principle of keeping evil things from before their eyes... the TV itself was made the demon. TV is not the demon, it is just the portal. It is what you allow yourself to see and view, that is where the real demon is... and now we see that TV is nothing compared to the internet... and what will be next? Yes, it is those damnable smartphones. Everyone who has one needs to smash them to smithereens, because they are of the debil! ... right?

People who are filled with the spirit need to be aware of everything they see and hear, because it all affects you, whether it comes from a tv, a smart phone, or a billboard driving down the interstate.

The TV is not the debil.... it is in what our eyes are being attracted to, and paying attention to.... that is where the debil is hitting us... through our eyes and ears with whatever medium he can use.

And I agree... smartphone activity is just sickening. You go into a restaurant, and people aren't even having conversations, their kids are screaming, and both parents are engrossed in their phones. It is just the saddest thing.

Why, even our good friend Jermyn has taken to visiting church services and texting/posting to the forum during the service. What is the world coming to?

I don't know...

Yet I do know one thing... the principle of guarding your ears, ears, and heart needs to be on the forefront of our mindset every minute of the day, because we are in a warfare with an enemy who is using technology to destroy the body of Christ.
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Old 09-21-2015, 10:48 PM
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by J.A. Perez View Post
The fight against T.V. is over.
Why has the clear and certain sound disappeared? Where are the voices that were so frequently heard saying no? No to the influence of the world, No to Hollywood, No to the filthy medium that has beset so many. The sewer pipe that spews it's filth into every home that has partaken. Why the justification? Why the letting down? Why the excuses? The fight against television is no more with the advent of YouTube.

The fight for things sacred is over.
Anymore at meetings I look around and see cell phones. From the pulpit to the pew. While the preaching is going forth people are texting, answering texts. Searching the Internet while the man of God is doing his best to preach from his iPad. What happened to the sacredness of the church, what happened to the sacredness of the house of God? Technology has invaded the Church.

While the ark was in Jerusalem the priest was still ministering in the Tabernacle at Gibeon unto the Lord. Because that place was still sacred. And though the Holy Ghost may dwell in our soul, the church and our home is still a place to be kept sacred and set apart.

These things aught not to be!

The elephant in the room.
Let the zeal of your Father's House eat you up. God's people need to repent of this sacrilegious display. If they had smartphones back when, instead of buying and selling with coinage, Christ would have found them using bitcoin, RFID's, and credit card readers to buy and sell directly from their debit cards using their WI-FI signal.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 09-21-2015, 10:53 PM
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Let the zeal of your Father's House eat you up. God's people need to repent of this sacrilegious display. If they had smartphones back when, instead of buying and selling with coinage, Christ would have found them using bitcoin, RFID's, and credit card readers to buy and sell directly from their debit cards using their WI-FI signal.
You forgot one thing... they would be using their smartphones/bitcoin/RFID or credit card readers to pay their tithes Right?
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Old 09-21-2015, 10:55 PM
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
You forgot one thing... they would be using their smartphones/bitcoin/RFID or credit card readers to pay their tithes Right?
Bitcoin is backed by what?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 09-21-2015, 11:25 PM
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J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Edit, edit, edit
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!

Last edited by J.A. Perez; 09-21-2015 at 11:27 PM.
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Old 09-22-2015, 07:05 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Bitcoin is backed by what?
nice, KBTW. Bitcoin is backed by the belief that the blockchain cannot be manipulated, and no more bitcoin than advertised can be created.
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:16 AM
kclee4jc kclee4jc is offline
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by J.A. Perez View Post
The fight against T.V. is over.
Why has the clear and certain sound disappeared? Where are the voices that were so frequently heard saying no? No to the influence of the world, No to Hollywood, No to the filthy medium that has beset so many. The sewer pipe that spews it's filth into every home that has partaken. Why the justification? Why the letting down? Why the excuses? The fight against television is no more with the advent of YouTube.

The fight for things sacred is over.
Anymore at meetings I look around and see cell phones. From the pulpit to the pew. While the preaching is going forth people are texting, answering texts. Searching the Internet while the man of God is doing his best to preach from his iPad. What happened to the sacredness of the church, what happened to the sacredness of the house of God? Technology has invaded the Church.

While the ark was in Jerusalem the priest was still ministering in the Tabernacle at Gibeon unto the Lord. Because that place was still sacred. And though the Holy Ghost may dwell in our soul, the church and our home is still a place to be kept sacred and set apart.

These things aught not to be!

The elephant in the room.
Amen amen and amen.

This needs to be said to the conservative movement as well as the mainstream. God strengthen our stand.

I personally believe that those who have compromised on the issue of holywood type entertainment will eventually follow the rest of the denominational world on every point of morality. Mainstream Pentecost may soon be advocating for same gender marriage.

God strengthen out stand!
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:20 AM
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Re: The elephant in the room.

I thought you were talking about a message Melanie Shock gave at a mens conference 20 odd years ago.


My friend, this argument was lost a long time ago. Good men seeing bad stuff fought the wrong battle.

they said don't touch the unclean thing... they didn't teach Christian Maturity. They didn't talk about guarding against evil. They just said the thing is wrong.

Then you know what happened? some folk watched some stuff that really wasn't wrong. And they said to themselves "well this guy said that was bad... but it isn't... what ELSE is he wrong about?"

Then they just rejected sound doctrine and sound teaching because a good man made a mistake about one thing.

so there you go. they let their good be evil spoken of.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:23 AM
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J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
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Re: The elephant in the room.

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I thought you were talking about a message Melanie Shock gave at a mens conference 20 odd years ago.


My friend, this argument was lost a long time ago. Good men seeing bad stuff fought the wrong battle.

they said don't touch the unclean thing... they didn't teach Christian Maturity. They didn't talk about guarding against evil. They just said the thing is wrong.

Then you know what happened? some folk watched some stuff that really wasn't wrong. And they said to themselves "well this guy said that was bad... but it isn't... what ELSE is he wrong about?"

Then they just rejected sound doctrine and sound teaching because a good man made a mistake about one thing.

so there you go. they let their good be evil spoken of.
That sounds just like the story of Adam and Eve. I wonder if people think God made a mistake by not explaining the line?
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!
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