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Old 04-29-2015, 09:00 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I already knew the answer dimwit. I just wanted to see you e-sob when pinned down with a direct question. All you're missing is a blue jean skirt. What a baby.

The "borrowed" pictures were highlighted on April 24, 2015, and you dont have a single bit of evidence that before that day anyone intended to or did correct the misconception that this (what was it? A stock photo? LOL). What I said was true and what is true is not "slander".
Again, identify a correction before that date or shut up and take the label.
In case you don't know, stock photos are perfectly acceptable but captioning them as something other than what they represent is a calculated, deliberate lie. Stick your timeline. The important timeline is this:
Falsely captioned pictures were exposed on April 24, 2015. A flurry of tweets including one that admitted that using these and labelling them as something they are not started the next day.
Far from bitter, I find it highly amusing. Almost as amusing as your pathetic attempts to justify this deliberate lie.
Deliberate lie??????
That's your manipulation right there!!!!!
You are a cyber bully deceiver and everyone here is seeing it.
I have no idea why they let you on this site.
Everything you say is deliberate.

Waiting on your lie to be cleared up about the CHAPEL how you lied you lied you lied. What does that make you??? You said they didn't pay to use it. And they did. I wonder if they can sue you?? I will encourage them to investigate that.

You have been exposed.
Waiting ------
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 09:03 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
Why is a guy that pastors in Detroit holding Bible studies in NYC?
Plane tix, expensive manhattan hotels, free travel is the answer I heard. Who wouldnt, as long as you can convince your sheeple (using any means necessary, even a stock photo or two) to front the funding.
Old 04-29-2015, 09:05 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Yeah you better change the subject far away from that time and date thing. LOL. Correcting a "stock photo" captioned as "my service" the day after someone else found it sounds like a real attack of moral conscience hahahahahahaha
The tweet was NOT captioned as "my service." It stated, "Service at the United Nations Chapel. It was packed with UN Officials!! #revivalfire"

Had the photo been of the outside of the chapel, or even a stock photo of the Chapel empty and without any people, you haters would be complaining about that as well.

Again, I doubt Bro. Wilson thought a few hate-filled people would do their damndest to try and find any reason to discredit him, and in doing so cast doubt on what God is doing at the UN.

I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is you, Lois Gibson, blackjohnwhite and the others are pawns and puppets of the devil. It won't end well for you all.

The good news is no matter what you and your puppetmaster try and do, God will overcome. In the end, He wins.
Old 04-29-2015, 09:07 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
Deliberate lie??????
That's your manipulation right there!!!!!
You are a cyber bully deceiver and everyone here is seeing it.
I have no idea why they let you on this site.
Everything you say is deliberate.

Waiting on your lie to be cleared up about the CHAPEL how you lied you lied you lied. What does that make you??? You said they didn't pay to use it. And they did. I wonder if they can sue you?? I will encourage them to investigate that.

You have been exposed.
Waiting ------
Your claim now is what? He is the first preacher on the planet who pays for his own plane tickets and Lincoln from his own pocket? Thats funnier than the "stock photo" claim

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-29-2015 at 09:55 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 09:13 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
The tweet was NOT captioned as "my service." It stated, "Service at the United Nations Chapel. It was packed with UN Officials!! #revivalfire"

Had the photo been of the outside of the chapel, or even a stock photo of the Chapel empty and without any people, you haters would be complaining about that as well.

Again, I doubt Bro. Wilson thought a few hate-filled people would do their damndest to try and find any reason to discredit him, and in doing so cast doubt on what God is doing at the UN.

I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is you, Lois Gibson, blackjohnwhite and the others are pawns and puppets of the devil. It won't end well for you all.

The good news is no matter what you and your puppetmaster try and do, God will overcome. In the end, He wins.
Dont get your magic hair tangled. You missed the first post captioned, identified the second, and missed the facebook page post. LOL but good start!

You're dim skippy God overcomes. What is hidden He exposes. These two charlatons are a perfect example of that.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-29-2015 at 09:15 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 09:19 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Dont get your magic hair tangled. You missed the first post captioned, identified the second, and missed the facebook page post. LOL but good start!

You're xxxxxxxxxx God overcomes. What is hidden He exposes. These two charlatons are a perfect example of that.
Post the caption which shows "my service." I don't see it anywhere.
Old 04-29-2015, 09:52 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Post the caption which shows "my service." I don't see it anywhere.
No need. You already noted that a picture taken from a play was relabeled as a service. That pretty much sums it up. Used that picture for over 18 months too. Yes, God does expose the hidden. Lesson: when you "borrow" something, dont present it as yours. It's unethical. Like making up fantastic stories of imaginary women locked in nonexistant caves is unethical. Small wonder these two work together. LOL

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-29-2015 at 10:04 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 10:00 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
No need. You already noted that a picture taken from a play was relabeled as a service. That pretty much sums it up. Used that picture for over 18 months too. Yes, God does expose the hidden. Lesson: when you "borrow" something, dont present it as yours. It's unethical. Like making up fantastic stories of imaginary women locked in nonexistant caves is unethical. Small wonder these two work together. LOL
No need because you can't do it. You lied. There was no caption "my service."

Get over it. If he had posted a photo of an empty chapel, you'd still be screaming he was lying about something. He used the photo because he didn't think a muslim, an ex-upc'er and others would make such a big deal about it. If he wanted to hide something, he would have deleted the tweet.

"Lesson: when you "borrow" something, dont present it as yours. It's unethical."
Hope you express the same outrage to other churches, businesses, schools and government websites which "borrow" pictures to use on their websites. Most normal people understand the use of stock photos.

Much 'ado about nothing.

Last edited by n david; 04-29-2015 at 11:26 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 11:25 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
No need because you can't do it. You lied. There was no caption "my service."

Get over it. If he had posted a photo of an empty chapel, you'd still be screaming he was lying about something. He used the photo because he didn't think a muslim, an ex-upc'er and others would make such a big deal about it. If he wanted to hide something, he would have deleted the tweet.

Much 'ado about nothing.
I totally agree
This Islam guy is a joke!!!!
HE POSTED HIS OWN PHOTOS - WHICH WERE MUCH BETTER and it was done without any of these guys on his back. It was right inline with what he is saying!!
But this Islam guy is on AFF to cause this kind of attack. He needs to be booted!!

Notice this Islam guy has posted lies about Wilson renting the chapel?? And has not posted one apology for his lies. Yet he accuses others.
This guy is ridiculous!!!
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 11:30 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
No need because you can't do it. You lied. There was no caption "my service."

Get over it. If he had posted a photo of an empty chapel, you'd still be screaming he was lying about something. He used the photo because he didn't think a muslim, an ex-upc'er and others would make such a big deal about it. If he wanted to hide something, he would have deleted the tweet.

Much 'ado about nothing.
He didn't have to specifically say "my service" to be deliberately misleading. He only had to say that they had a service (3 times in the same week) and post the picture (3 times in context of talking about their service) along with a picture of the group with the UN building (not the church across the street) all in the same week to mislead others into thinking that the picture was of and from his service. Final nail - use the same picture a year later to highlight your "achievement" on your church anniversary video? What's the purpose of that? Still waiting for "clearance?"

He relabeled someone else's picture of a play from years before and inserted it with another picture of his group on the same day on his facebook as a "service".

My accusation stands. You haven't even scratched it. Unless you can find somewhere else where he corrected himself before he got busted.
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