Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
Your uncle was Bro. O from Bon Weir?
He was my presbyter at one time. A friend of ours is the pastor there now.
Sis. O and my mom are sisters. I preached Bro. O's last revival as pastor, he and Bro. B were together in those years. My first cousin PDB was killed while they pastored in Newton...did you know her...she was awesome.
I preached alot there too in my first years preaching revivals in 1987, 1988...
I do understand the concept of drop ins and such in east Texas pastoring...we used to spend every summer in Bon Weir...i even learned to ride a bike on the dirt road that led from the old church to the house back in the early 70's...the parsonage was a revolving door....so I totally understand where you are coming from. Rural east Texas and Louisianna are the same in this way...It takes a special gift of tolerance for home invasions to pastor there for sure.
We do not have that same concept were I pastor...and niether did we have it in Houston...I'm out of the Fauss'...