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Old 07-09-2014, 06:58 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Originally Posted by DaveC519 View Post
"Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord." (Lev 19:28 NLT)
Before we go into being bound by this "law"... let's examine why God forbade marking of the body.

Some would say that the "tattooing" clause of the verse only pertains to an ancient pagan custom of mourning the dead. But that's not so. The cutting portion has to do with the scarring of the body for the dead, God goes on to forbid any marking on the body. Let's look at some commentary:
"In Lev. 19:28 we find two prohibitions of an unnatural disfigurement of the body: 'Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor any print any marks upon you.' The latter (Heb. qa aqa, incision) refers to tattooing, and has no reference to idolatrous usages, but was intended to inculcate upon the Israelietes a proper reverence for God's creation."
(Merrill F. Unger, Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1974 ed., p. 696)
"While ‘cuttings in the flesh’ have reference here to mourning customs [for the dead], the tattooing does not appear to pertain to such practice." (Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, 1975 ed., p. 1664)
So, yes this commandment would include tattooing.

I firmly believe that "like attracts like". Ever go into a tattoo shop? Ever pick up and examine a tattoo magazine? Even the most religious tattoos are assembled among Satanic, sensual, violent, and even pornographic images. My grandfather had a very beautiful and well done tattoo... of a naked lady on both forearms. The tattoos didn't stay beautiful... as he grew older... she seemed to become just as droopy as he was. lol Most tattoo parlors also provide various piercings... some of which are rather "intimate" in location. lol

Now, I don't want to come off condemnatory. A person has the right to get a tattoo if they desire. And no, I don't believe God will write you off over a tattoo or a piercing if that's your "thing". But if "like attracts like" why are such spirits so endemic to this practice? Why would a believer be interested in participating in this?

I believe the NT does say some important things about our bodies. We read in I Corinthians...
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Clearly, we know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are to be living extensions of Jesus. Would we want to sit down and give Jesus a tattoo? What about giving Jesus various piercings? We are His body. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. And so to destroy or mar the body through gluttony, drugs, alcohol, tattoos, piercings, is to destroy and mar the very body of God. We read that those who do destroy their bodies, God will destroy. That's pretty serious stuff. This should underscore how important you are to God. You are a chosen vessel. You are a son of God or daughter of God.

Let's look at how God views you being His temple and how you are not your own...
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
What can be more beautiful and awe inspiring than to know that you are a living temple of God's own Spirit? He lives in you and through you. You're one with Him (I Corinthians 6:17). God desires that you glorify Him in your body and in your spirit, because all of you belongs to Him. Clearly having marks and piercings that are associated with an industry that provides Satanic, pornographic, and even violent images can't glorify God. At least, that's my opinion.

It's a cultural fad. It's hip. It's cool. It's popular. Frankly, I've even considered getting a tattoo. I wanted something Irish. Yes, I'm proud of my Irish heritage. But... I'm also humbled by being a member of God's elect. My girlfriend contemplated getting a tattoo too. Interestingly enough, she wants her dad's name. And let's be honest... MANY people get their first tattoo in honor of a dead relative. Remember Leviticus 19:28? Clearly this is some kind of default logic. We miss our loved one and we want a constant reminder of what they meant to us. I can understand this desire. However, our body belongs to God, we are not our own. And God wants all of us to glorify Him... not our mothers, fathers, dead relatives, etc. Sometimes we want a tattoo to be cool. I understand that. Sometimes we want to participate in something popular and fit in. But really... images of flaming skulls, satanic crosses, spiders, dragons, wizards, naked women, various pagan symbols, etc... can this association cross the line???

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians...
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Ah... we're called to be separate. Being a Christian comes with a cost. It come with surrendering self to God. I can only speak for myself... I'm not entirely comfortable with thumbing through all the ungodly and blasphemous images to find a suitable cross or symbol or flower or scenic picture for a tattoo. Just looking through a tattoo magazine troubled me. I saw the spirits of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and perversion on nearly every page. I cannot in good conscience have fellowship with those spirits. And if I ever break down and get a tattoo... I pray God forgives me. Because I don't see how it can glorify Him in me.

Jesus said,
Matthew 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
A tattoo isn't the most serious thing in the world. No, it may not be the unpardonable sin. However, Jesus promised something. He promised that those who are faithful over a few things, will be made ruler over many things. Those few small insignificant things that most would overlook... being faithful in those things will bring reward from the Lord. Heaven isn't a communist country were everyone is rewarded equally. Yes... you will be rewarded for the degree of sanctification unto Christlikeness you attain. Let's shoot for the stars. Let's raise the bar. Let's not get bogged down into a worldly mediocrity as it relates to pleasing our Lord and our heavenly reward.

Now that we know and understand these things, we should be cautious so we are not led away with the errors of the wicked. Spirits inhabit a lot of tattoo parlors. I felt them in the magazine. I don't want to see something or have some spirit enter my life and lead me astray by tempting me with a lust of my flesh. I don't want to fall from my steadfastness... I have enough problems with my flesh as it is! LOL

Rather, I want to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus, Christ in me. And I want to give Him glory, honor, and praise in all that I do. Here's a verse to mediate upon...
2 Peter 3:17-18
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
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Old 07-09-2014, 07:22 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Christians should realize something... we're a naturalistic faith. No, we're not nudists... at least I hope we're not, and if we are it should be in private. LOL But we do honor the natural aspects of God's creation, including our bodies. We are beautiful. We are holy and beautiful in our natural form. A reverence for God's creation, all of nature, including ourselves, in my opinion, is part of the Christian worldview. Extravagant alterations to our appearance seem to me to be a bit on the unnatural side. A holistic view of Christian well being should be grounded in proper care and stewardship of not only spiritual matters, but matters relating to mind and body. Get to know your body, it is on loan to you. Get to love it and adore it. Your physical imperfections are actually things that give you character and individuality, they only add to your beauty as a human being. We're our natural beauty, rejoice in the you that is whole and altogether lovely. You are perfect... just the way you are.
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Old 07-09-2014, 11:01 AM
obriencp obriencp is offline
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

very good responses from all.

If we're to honestly look at our bodies as a temple of God then some of us ought to be ashamed. I know morbidly obese people that judge people based on their tattoos. Although, the tattoo'd may be in way better physical shape than the obese. Unfortuantely being phyiscally fit is often ignored in the church, but we are to be examples.
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Old 07-09-2014, 11:04 AM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Does removing the tattoos from a new believer complete their salvation?
No, it does not.

The heart of this matter is a matter of the heart of the person who is getting the tattoo now or may already have one.

I won't use my liberty to make someone stumble, but we have been called to a life of liberty in Christ.

Someone who wants to defend the man-made doctrine of no tattoos for Christians using Levitical law better be sure to follow ALL of the Levitical laws.

See, this is why I KNOW the Apostolics are good people, but wrong! Just when I start to think about, "Well uh, maybe since they are the only Pentecostals who baptize in Jesus Name, maybe I should just go back to them and just go along with everything else--" that is when I get reality check!


Maybe the reason why their services are so over the top on Sunday nights is because that is about the only time they experience freedom from the burden they have made everyday life to be!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 07-09-2014, 11:08 AM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

The Apostle Paul addresses this madness in at least two different epistles.

Extra-biblical doctrines presented as Gospel is not a good thing for anyone.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 07-09-2014 at 11:09 AM. Reason: language too strong....
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:00 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Before we go into being bound by this "law"... let's examine why God forbade marking of the body.

Some would say that the "tattooing" clause of the verse only pertains to an ancient pagan custom of mourning the dead. But that's not so. The cutting portion has to do with the scarring of the body for the dead, God goes on to forbid any marking on the body. Let's look at some commentary:

"In Lev. 19:28 we find two prohibitions of an unnatural disfigurement of the body: 'Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor any print any marks upon you.' The latter (Heb. qa aqa, incision) refers to tattooing, and has no reference to idolatrous usages, but was intended to inculcate upon the Israelietes a proper reverence for God's creation."
(Merrill F. Unger, Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1974 ed., p. 696)

"While ‘cuttings in the flesh’ have reference here to mourning customs [for the dead], the tattooing does not appear to pertain to such practice." (Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, 1975 ed., p. 1664)

So, yes this commandment would include tattooing.

I firmly believe that "like attracts like". Ever go into a tattoo shop? Ever pick up and examine a tattoo magazine? Even the most religious tattoos are assembled among Satanic, sensual, violent, and even pornographic images. My grandfather had a very beautiful and well done tattoo... of a naked lady on both forearms. The tattoos didn't stay beautiful... as he grew older... she seemed to become just as droopy as he was. lol Most tattoo parlors also provide various piercings... some of which are rather "intimate" in location. lol

Now, I don't want to come off condemnatory. A person has the right to get a tattoo if they desire. And no, I don't believe God will write you off over a tattoo or a piercing if that's your "thing". But if "like attracts like" why are such spirits so endemic to this practice? Why would a believer be interested in participating in this?

I believe the NT does say some important things about our bodies. We read in I Corinthians...

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

Clearly, we know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are to be living extensions of Jesus. Would we want to sit down and give Jesus a tattoo? What about giving Jesus various piercings? We are His body. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. And so to destroy or mar the body through gluttony, drugs, alcohol, tattoos, piercings, is to destroy and mar the very body of God. We read that those who do destroy their bodies, God will destroy. That's pretty serious stuff. This should underscore how important you are to God. You are a chosen vessel. You are a son of God or daughter of God.

Let's look at how God views you being His temple and how you are not your own...

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

What can be more beautiful and awe inspiring than to know that you are a living temple of God's own Spirit? He lives in you and through you. You're one with Him (I Corinthians 6:17). God desires that you glorify Him in your body and in your spirit, because all of you belongs to Him. Clearly having marks and piercings that are associated with an industry that provides Satanic, pornographic, and even violent images can't glorify God. At least, that's my opinion.

It's a cultural fad. It's hip. It's cool. It's popular. Frankly, I've even considered getting a tattoo. I wanted something Irish. Yes, I'm proud of my Irish heritage. But... I'm also humbled by being a member of God's elect. My girlfriend contemplated getting a tattoo too. Interestingly enough, she wants her dad's name. And let's be honest... MANY people get their first tattoo in honor of a dead relative. Remember Leviticus 19:28? Clearly this is some kind of default logic. We miss our loved one and we want a constant reminder of what they meant to us. I can understand this desire. However, our body belongs to God, we are not our own. And God wants all of us to glorify Him... not our mothers, fathers, dead relatives, etc. Sometimes we want a tattoo to be cool. I understand that. Sometimes we want to participate in something popular and fit in. But really... images of flaming skulls, satanic crosses, spiders, dragons, wizards, naked women, various pagan symbols, etc... can this association cross the line???

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians...

2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

Ah... we're called to be separate. Being a Christian comes with a cost. It come with surrendering self to God. I can only speak for myself... I'm not entirely comfortable with thumbing through all the ungodly and blasphemous images to find a suitable cross or symbol or flower or scenic picture for a tattoo. Just looking through a tattoo magazine troubled me. I saw the spirits of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and perversion on nearly every page. I cannot in good conscience have fellowship with those spirits. And if I ever break down and get a tattoo... I pray God forgives me. Because I don't see how it can glorify Him in me.

Jesus said,

Matthew 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

A tattoo isn't the most serious thing in the world. No, it may not be the unpardonable sin. However, Jesus promised something. He promised that those who are faithful over a few things, will be made ruler over many things. Those few small insignificant things that most would overlook... being faithful in those things will bring reward from the Lord. Heaven isn't a communist country were everyone is rewarded equally. Yes... you will be rewarded for the degree of sanctification unto Christlikeness you attain. Let's shoot for the stars. Let's raise the bar. Let's not get bogged down into a worldly mediocrity as it relates to pleasing our Lord and our heavenly reward.

Now that we know and understand these things, we should be cautious so we are not led away with the errors of the wicked. Spirits inhabit a lot of tattoo parlors. I felt them in the magazine. I don't want to see something or have some spirit enter my life and lead me astray by tempting me with a lust of my flesh. I don't want to fall from my steadfastness... I have enough problems with my flesh as it is! LOL

Rather, I want to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus, Christ in me. And I want to give Him glory, honor, and praise in all that I do. Here's a verse to mediate upon...

2 Peter 3:17-18
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Great post!
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:12 PM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Doesn't it say somewhere in Revelation that Jesus has a name or something written on His thigh? Wouldn't that be a tattoo?
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:28 PM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
Doesn't it say somewhere in Revelation that Jesus has a name or something written on His thigh? Wouldn't that be a tattoo?
I don't think it meant he was running around in short shorts or naked. It was written on his clothing,
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:43 PM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I don't think it meant he was running around in short shorts or naked. It was written on his clothing,
Here in the upper Midwest we at least get a break during the cold months when people are forced to cover up!
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Old 07-09-2014, 01:04 PM
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Re: Tattoos, sin against God or church cuture?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Before we go into being bound by this "law"... let's examine why God forbade marking of the body.

Some would say that the "tattooing" clause of the verse only pertains to an ancient pagan custom of mourning the dead. But that's not so. The cutting portion has to do with the scarring of the body for the dead, God goes on to forbid any marking on the body. Let's look at some commentary:
"In Lev. 19:28 we find two prohibitions of an unnatural disfigurement of the body: 'Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor any print any marks upon you.' The latter (Heb. qa aqa, incision) refers to tattooing, and has no reference to idolatrous usages, but was intended to inculcate upon the Israelietes a proper reverence for God's creation."
(Merrill F. Unger, Unger's Bible Dictionary, 1974 ed., p. 696)
"While ‘cuttings in the flesh’ have reference here to mourning customs [for the dead], the tattooing does not appear to pertain to such practice." (Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, 1975 ed., p. 1664)
So, yes this commandment would include tattooing.

I firmly believe that "like attracts like". Ever go into a tattoo shop? Ever pick up and examine a tattoo magazine? Even the most religious tattoos are assembled among Satanic, sensual, violent, and even pornographic images. My grandfather had a very beautiful and well done tattoo... of a naked lady on both forearms. The tattoos didn't stay beautiful... as he grew older... she seemed to become just as droopy as he was. lol Most tattoo parlors also provide various piercings... some of which are rather "intimate" in location. lol

Now, I don't want to come off condemnatory. A person has the right to get a tattoo if they desire. And no, I don't believe God will write you off over a tattoo or a piercing if that's your "thing". But if "like attracts like" why are such spirits so endemic to this practice? Why would a believer be interested in participating in this?

I believe the NT does say some important things about our bodies. We read in I Corinthians...
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Clearly, we know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are to be living extensions of Jesus. Would we want to sit down and give Jesus a tattoo? What about giving Jesus various piercings? We are His body. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. And so to destroy or mar the body through gluttony, drugs, alcohol, tattoos, piercings, is to destroy and mar the very body of God. We read that those who do destroy their bodies, God will destroy. That's pretty serious stuff. This should underscore how important you are to God. You are a chosen vessel. You are a son of God or daughter of God.

Let's look at how God views you being His temple and how you are not your own...
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
What can be more beautiful and awe inspiring than to know that you are a living temple of God's own Spirit? He lives in you and through you. You're one with Him (I Corinthians 6:17). God desires that you glorify Him in your body and in your spirit, because all of you belongs to Him. Clearly having marks and piercings that are associated with an industry that provides Satanic, pornographic, and even violent images can't glorify God. At least, that's my opinion.

It's a cultural fad. It's hip. It's cool. It's popular. Frankly, I've even considered getting a tattoo. I wanted something Irish. Yes, I'm proud of my Irish heritage. But... I'm also humbled by being a member of God's elect. My girlfriend contemplated getting a tattoo too. Interestingly enough, she wants her dad's name. And let's be honest... MANY people get their first tattoo in honor of a dead relative. Remember Leviticus 19:28? Clearly this is some kind of default logic. We miss our loved one and we want a constant reminder of what they meant to us. I can understand this desire. However, our body belongs to God, we are not our own. And God wants all of us to glorify Him... not our mothers, fathers, dead relatives, etc. Sometimes we want a tattoo to be cool. I understand that. Sometimes we want to participate in something popular and fit in. But really... images of flaming skulls, satanic crosses, spiders, dragons, wizards, naked women, various pagan symbols, etc... can this association cross the line???

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians...
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Ah... we're called to be separate. Being a Christian comes with a cost. It come with surrendering self to God. I can only speak for myself... I'm not entirely comfortable with thumbing through all the ungodly and blasphemous images to find a suitable cross or symbol or flower or scenic picture for a tattoo. Just looking through a tattoo magazine troubled me. I saw the spirits of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and perversion on nearly every page. I cannot in good conscience have fellowship with those spirits. And if I ever break down and get a tattoo... I pray God forgives me. Because I don't see how it can glorify Him in me.

Jesus said,
Matthew 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
A tattoo isn't the most serious thing in the world. No, it may not be the unpardonable sin. However, Jesus promised something. He promised that those who are faithful over a few things, will be made ruler over many things. Those few small insignificant things that most would overlook... being faithful in those things will bring reward from the Lord. Heaven isn't a communist country were everyone is rewarded equally. Yes... you will be rewarded for the degree of sanctification unto Christlikeness you attain. Let's shoot for the stars. Let's raise the bar. Let's not get bogged down into a worldly mediocrity as it relates to pleasing our Lord and our heavenly reward.

Now that we know and understand these things, we should be cautious so we are not led away with the errors of the wicked. Spirits inhabit a lot of tattoo parlors. I felt them in the magazine. I don't want to see something or have some spirit enter my life and lead me astray by tempting me with a lust of my flesh. I don't want to fall from my steadfastness... I have enough problems with my flesh as it is! LOL

Rather, I want to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus, Christ in me. And I want to give Him glory, honor, and praise in all that I do. Here's a verse to mediate upon...
2 Peter 3:17-18
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
As someone with tattoos I appreciate the attitude and spirit in which this was written.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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