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Old 06-01-2014, 03:18 PM
n david n david is offline
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obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

In exchange for a deserter who, from various reports, sought out the Taliban, and whose father appears to be a wacko Taliban sympathizer himself.

The law says Congress must be notified 30 days before any prisoner is moved from Gitmo. This was blatantly ignored. And the reason is because Congress would have rejected it, and for good reason.

We have a real hero sitting in a cell in Mexico and obama has done nothing about it. Yet obama breaks the law, and trades 5 high risk Taliban commanders for this deserter and radical Taliban sympathizer.


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Old 06-01-2014, 03:22 PM
n david n david is offline
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This is traitorous. If any of these 5 Taliban terrorists kill or their plans to kill succeed, Hagel, Rice, obama, and any other moron who was involved in this deal should be removed from office and tried.

I certainly hope they don't give this deserter a hero's welcome back home. He should be turned over to the MPs and tried for desertion.
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Old 06-01-2014, 04:24 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

From the moment I heard this I had a lot of questions. Maybe I will show my ignorance because I don't know enough of the facts.

He was a prisoner for how long? 5 years? How was he captured? He couldn't escape? Where was he held? Why couldn't we find him? How many other soldiers has this happened to? NONE! Hmm.. (I really don't want anybody to answere these questions, when you come up with the answers you might think a little different about the case though)

His father's tweet or whatever that is seems odd. Giving him the benefit of the doubt for a second maybe he is a HUGE peace supporter. Sometimes the peace crowd can come off over the top. I don't know of one soldier that has killed an Afghanistan woman or child, or would stand by and let someone else do it. (Maybe this is talking about the drone strikes, this is where most civilian deaths occur)

As far as trying politicians I think it is a great idea. BUT it has to be for ALL politicians not just the ones we like. Why do I say this? Maybe they would think twice before they ordered America's military into a situation OR let incompetent or negligent commanders let corruption or crime take place.
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Old 06-01-2014, 04:41 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

Seems more is involved than what we really know.

Negotiating With Terrorists: Inside the Capture and Release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

It is important to note that the Haqqanis are not the same thing as the Afghan Taliban. The two are different groups. They each have their own distinct and separate leadership council, or “Shura” that they report to. The Haqqanis are heavily tied to both Al Qaeda (providing them safe passage and support) and the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency, also known as the ISI. The Haqqanis are a heavily criminal enterprise sowing and feeding off of the chaos in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region. Envision Al Qaeda crossed with the Sopranos and you begin to get the picture of what these thugs are like.

Contrary to press reports, the Afghan Taliban – aka the Quetta Shura – never had their hands on Sgt. Bergdahl. He was always under the control of the Haqqani network.

Why would the Haqqanis ever hand over a hostage (referred to locally as “Golden Sparrows’) as valuable as Sgt. Bergdahl without getting anything in return?

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Old 06-01-2014, 05:12 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

5.How did Bergdahl wind up in Taliban hands?

Bergdahl wasn’t captured during a mission — he instead appears to have wandered off-base and then been captured — and he was initially listed as “duty status unknown,” not “missing/captured.”
The circumstances could beg the question: was Bergdahl captured, did he desert, or did he go looking for the Taliban?
Intelligence sources have said Bergdahl was drunk when terrorists picked him up — hardly a heroic capture, if that’s true.
Military members have expressed mixed reactions to Bergdahl’s release — there’s no consensus that he was a war hero, or even a POW in the first place.


There are so many problems just with this small paragraph.

You can't wander off base. It is Impossible!!! You can leave the base (sometime but very rarely) but it can't be done by mistake.

He was drunk. Every soldier I know had to sign orders saying we would not violate General Order Number One. General Order Number One Prohibits any soldier from consuming alcohol of any kind. Do soldiers always do what they are supposed to? NO BUT alcohol was not readily accessible as far as I knew.

1. He should always let somebody know where he was or where he was going. If he would have done this they would have asked him a couple important questions. Are you drunk? Where are you going? Why? Who is going with you? These are questions that I was asked hundreds of times a day (not the drunk part).

2. After leaving the base he should have known exactly where he was going and avoid any restricted areas. So let me explain. Sometimes under a commander's discretion you could leave the base if the area was not actively hostile for a certain period of time. Nobody's been shot at for a few months and the town next to the base seems cooperative then the commander can allow certain sections to be approved. For instance most towns have a outdoor mall type of setup where you can go and buy DVD's/sunglasses/lots of other cheap stuff that is worthless. But even if this was the case the commander would order ALL others areas besides the shops off limits.

3. He was drunk. Let's say he didn't do tell anybody where he was going and then he went to some place besides the market. If he did this while he was drunk, he deserved what he got. I know that sounds cruel but everybody over there knows how dangerous it is. It is drilled in you head day and night before you ever get in country that you are not to get into a situation where you are away from your fellow soldiers and around a bunch of Afghanis.

I will stop ranting. But it does seem he is really, really stupid or something fishy was going on. I don't know if I even could believe his story.
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Old 06-01-2014, 05:37 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

Why don't we slip all these gitmo guys GHB, surgically implant RFID chips and then let them go?

We can follow them and then when they hook up with other terrorists, bomb them
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Old 06-01-2014, 05:42 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

Great idea.

Oh wait a second.

They have a right to what gets put into their body.

Of and if we did do this they would go back to the other bad guys but they would never be too far from woman and children (their family's). Then we have a bunch of dead civilians. This is why I don't support drone strikes. And other reasons that are too long to list.

We could have won this war along time ago if we didn't have ridiculous Rules of Engagement for troops who are on the ground.
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Old 06-01-2014, 07:37 PM
n david n david is offline
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The more I read about this, the angrier it makes me. This guy is coming home to a hero's welcome in Idaho, when he should really be coming home in handcuffs and leg irons.
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Old 06-01-2014, 08:27 PM
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Re: obama breaks law, gives up 5 terrorists....

I agree with you n david,

But I think he should feel lucky. Many soldiers come home in a box.
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Old 06-01-2014, 09:57 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Disciple4life View Post
I agree with you n david,

But I think he should feel lucky. Many soldiers come home in a box.
Absolutely he should feel lucky. Not coming home in a box or with parts missing. Getting the president to give up 5 high level terrorists for him. Seriously, how is this guy worth 5 terrorists, much less high level ones.
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