We have been taught that there is sin, but an even more serious level of sin is an
abomination. Assuming that all abomination are equal before God (no white-black) here is a list of abominations that I found:
1. a proud look
2. a lying tongue
3. murderers (hands that shed innocent blood)
4. wicked imaginations
5. mischievousness
6. a false witness
7. one that sows discord among brethren
8. homosexuality
9. One who justifies the wicked
10. One who condemns the righteous
11. women who wear men's clothing
12. men who wear women's clothing
13. business people who skew the weights for measurement
14. holy sacrifice given by wicked people
15. a devious heart
16. one who won't listen to the law
17. arrogant people
18. bestiality
19. adulterers
These are all called abominations in the bible! We have a habit of glossing over the ones that we aren't passionate about, and focus on the one's we can use to judge others. With that in mind, which ones are your favorites?