Originally Posted by Barb
But again, Pastor P, this is exactly what the UPCI was founded on...two groups of Apostolic men coming together, bringing their "different views" into the making of one "united Pentecostal" organization.
They coexisted, working and building that which you so grandly protect, until 1992...47 years of unity.
In my opinion, it is ridiculous to think that the departure of a few in '92 'cleaned house'.
I have a friend who lives in another state and called me last night. She said that in the area she lives, there are at least 15 churches...all UPCI, yet not all teaching the same.
It boggles my little mind that until a couple of years ago I never heard of Apostolics who didn't all speak the same voice, but was I ever out of the loop.
As a child I vividly remember Bro. OV coming to our church (I learned much later that he was 'PCI') and I don't recall horns or any such thing. I do remember a man preaching the Word.
You wouldn't have known the difference hearing him or most of his contemporaries preach, Barb.
The difference between most of the PCI men of that day and the ones who claim it today is in their emphasis and choice of fellowship.
Men like Oscar Vouga chose to throw their lot in with those who strongly promoted the New Birth message, such as PAJC men.
Many of the ones who claim to believe the PCI doctrine today use it as a basis for breaking fellowship with strong Apostolic preachers, and prefer rather to fellowship with those who don't even believe all that similarly.
This is a big difference.
You can't compare the men like Vouga who preached the New Birth with fervor and passion to these glorified Baptists today who have more in common with easy-believism preachers than with Apostolic men who will declare the whole counsel of God.
Nobody said Oscar Vouga had horns, or was a bad man.
But he was a different breed than a lot of the characters who claim to represent his position.