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Old 07-02-2013, 01:38 AM
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Re: Violent Islam

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Old 07-02-2013, 07:55 AM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Violent Islam

The religion of peace...

Two Christians, one of them a priest, have been beheaded by militants because they were suspected of cooperating with the Syrian military.

A video uploaded to the internet yesterday shows two men with their hands bound, surrounded by dozens of people, many of them armed and cheering in celebration.

Note: Video Below Article

The two are brutally executed – beheaded with a small combat knife. Echoing previous beheading recorded by insurgents, the head is held up to the cheers of onlookers and then placed on the body.

This month has seen an escalation in sectarian atrocities committed by insurgents, who have been publicly armed and supported by America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and other actors. Indeed, the atrocities are coinciding with further arms transfers – with new advanced weaponry witnessed in the hands of militants in the past number of weeks.

The most recent beheading recorded on video and uploaded to the internet, reportedly took place in Idlib countryside.

Recently, a Catholic priest was executed by foreign militants. The monastery in which he resided was burnt and looted, echoing the events of a massacre in Homs last month which resulted in the entire population of a Christian village being wiped out and their houses and possessions burnt. Two Christian bishops who were kidnapped by Chechen gunmen in Aleppo earlier this year, are still missing.

As well as Christians, Shia villages are receiving the brunt of a boldly-confident insurgency. This newly-found confidence has resulted in having just recently received confirmation of America’s intent to supply them with more weapons. Last week, militants massacred dozens of villagers in the province’s town of Hatla. Since then, summary executions and sectarian house-to-house raids have taken place.

The following video is extremely graphic and viewer discretion is advised. Many thanks to Arabi Souri, a Syrian activist for the translated version of the video.


Warning this is graphic.

Last edited by Pliny; 07-02-2013 at 08:07 AM.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:11 AM
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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
WOW!!! This girl was RAPED but Islamic law demands four male witnesses to confirm the rape. Thus the girl is guilty of adultery. Despicable!
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Old 07-23-2013, 03:30 PM
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Re: Violent Islam

The religion pf peace...

Norwegian woman who reported being raped in Dubai is jailed for 16 months

A young Norwegian woman has been sentenced to 16 months in jail after she reported a rape in Dubai.
The 25-year-old was in the United Arab Emirates on a business trip when she was raped and reported the assault to the local police.
Dubai police did not believe her, and instead took her passport and jailed her on suspicion of having had sex outside marriage.


‘We are very surprised and had hoped it would go another way, but we live in a country which has a justice system which draws its conclusions with the help of Sharia law.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2Zu32K5eH
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Old 08-23-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Violent Islam

The religion of peace:
Muslim TV station in UK fined for call to kill

During a call-in program in May 2012, host Allama Muhammad Farooq Nizami was asked about the proper response to those who don’t respect Mohammed. He replied, “We are ready, and should be ready at all times, to kill a blasphemer.”

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Old 08-23-2013, 10:20 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Violent Islam

Headline from the UK Daily Mail.

Shame of Britain's Muslim schools: Secret filming shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***'

It is an assembly hall of the sort found in any ordinary school. Boys aged 11 and upwards sit cross-legged on the floor in straight rows. They face the front of the room and listen carefully. But this is no ordinary assembly. Holding the children’s attention is a man in Islamic dress wearing a skullcap and stroking his long dark beard as he talks.

‘You’re not like the non-Muslims out there,’ the teacher says, gesturing towards the window. ‘All that evil you see in the streets, people not wearing the hijab properly, people smoking . . . you should hate it, you should hate walking down that street.’

He refers to the ‘non-Muslims’ as the ‘Kuffar’, an often derogatory term that means disbeliever or infidel.

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Old 09-21-2013, 10:01 AM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Violent Islam

The religion of "peace" at it once again...

Terrorist attack in Kenya mall leaves at least 22 deadGunmen order Muslims to exit cafe and say non-Muslims will be targeted; some reports say establishment owned by Israeli

A witness to the attacks in the capital’s prestigious mall said that the gunmen ordered Muslims to stand up and leave prior to opening fire. The gunmen made it clear that non-Muslims would be targeted, the witness continued.


The mall was hosting a children’s day event, witnesses said.

Typical from the "religion of peace".
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Old 09-21-2013, 10:07 AM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Violent Islam

Now in France:

Woman sent toddler son to preschool in France with a t-shirt that read, ‘I am a bomb’ and ‘Jihad: Born on Sept. 11′

PARIS (AP) — A French appeals court convicted a woman and her brother on Friday for “justifying a crime” after her toddler son, named Jihad, went to preschool in a T-shirt bearing the words “I am a bomb” and “Jihad: Born on Sept. 11,” a defense lawyer said.


That's right. Muslims naming their children "Jihad" and telling the world they are a bomb. The religion of peace indeed!
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Old 10-25-2013, 09:44 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Your views on "violent islam" do not match any actual numbers. Yes the ARTICLES on "violent islam" are all you read because violence after all that is all you are interested in (curious in iteslf among a peaceful religious community) but in a country with a murder rate of 25/1000000 (I have entirely excluded 13.5% of the population in that murder rate as the black community who celebrates, dances to, sings about, and tolerates violence does not reflect either your or my values OTHERWISE the overall murder rate is 47/million) the Islamic community falls far, far below the average in terms of violence. So I ask - is violence the rule or the rare exception?

Pew Research Center surveys of U.S. Muslims in 2007 and 2011 show that the number of Muslims living in the United States rose in that four-year period by about 300,000 adults and 100,000 children, to a total of about 2.75 million Muslims of all ages. That rate of increase would be difficult to explain without rising immigration, the report said.


An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims. U.S. News and World Report noted in February of this year:

Of the more than 300 American deaths from political violence and mass shootings since 9/11, only 33 have come at the hands of Muslim-Americans, according to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. The Muslim-American suspects or perpetrators in these or other attempted attacks fit no demographic profile—only 51 of more than 200 are of Arabic ethnicity. In 2012, all but one of the nine Muslim-American terrorism plots uncovered were halted in early stages. That one, an attempted bombing of a Social Security office in Arizona, caused no casualties.

The sample of Muslim Americans turning to terror is “vanishingly small,” Kurzman tells Danger Room. Measuring the U.S. Muslim population is a famously inexact science, since census data don’t track religion, but rather “country of origin,” which researchers attempt to use as a proxy. There are somewhere between 1.7 million and seven million American Muslims, by most estimates, and Kurzman says he operates off a model that presumes the lower end, a bit over 2 million. That’s less a rate of involvement in terrorism of less than 10 per million, down from a 2003 high of 40 per million, as detailed in the chart above.


10 per million is less than 50% of the national average excluding the African-American community. Statistically it is actually lower as the lower end of number of estimated numbers was used. It is more like 35%. What say you?
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