Originally Posted by Moonlightpixel
When it first happened, I didn't understand why I was even saying it. I knew it was toward somebody. I don't think the Spirit makes you speak anything. It's like I can switch over to Spirit mode and It speaks. All you need is your memory for the Spirit to take over. It's difficult to explain how you can switch over. Oh, and in psychology, I found out that you are not the one forming the words you speak in Spirit. Everything can be shut down in your brain except your memory and you could still speak in tongues or English. YOU couldn't speak but the Spirit could.
Well everyone else I know who claims to have the gift of Discerning spirits, says they just know someone has a certain spirit, not that the Spirit blurts out of that persons mouth when that person switches to "Spirit mode"...
In other words we are just talking about knowing something and what YOU do with the facts is up to you