Originally Posted by Esther
Any suggestions for an older couple exercise equipment that works.
Biggest problem is space and motivation to stick with it.
I just received an e-mail from Natural News:
I like point #7:
"Everybody talks about exercising more each new year. But this time consider a type of exercise that gives you more energy instead of wearing yourself out."
It goes on to mention meditation, which I think meditating on the Lord is more peaceful than secular meditating. We get our peace from God. I did attend, before I was living for God, meditation sessions when I lived in Houston. I'm sitting in a room full of airplane seats and thinking, "This is a huge waste of my time." lol
He also mentions Yoga and I did find a few Christian Yoga DVDs on Amazon, if you want to go that way.
For me, I use this great book written by Physical Therapist, Peggy Brill (
http://www.amazon.com/The-Core-Progr.../dp/0553801392). It does give you more energy than wearing you out.
And I have found that exercising for more than 20 minutes makes me feel hungry. I heard others, i.e. Barbara Mandrell, saying the same, so I know that does have some merit. At least that is how extreme exercise affects my body.