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Old 06-07-2012, 05:53 PM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
They don't care what the Bible says because the Bible talks about "leaving the natural use of the women" and "men being burned up in their lust." It talks about "vile affections", affections/ lusts that are corrupt.

Homosexuals are going to hell, not because of themselves, but because of the sin they are partaking in. And homosexuals are not born that way - God doesn't create sin.
and you where any different before you come to God? Do you think your sin was some how less bad than theres?

God didnt make you a sinner yet you became one. You was a partaker of sin, yep you stood condemned with the gays, the child rapist. murders, liars and theifs. O yes you was very much in the same Boat.

And I believe, once you've gone that far, once your lust has burned that much, where you go from lusting like that after women to men, it makes you emotions, your affections vile. Your heart becomes hardened in a sense. It sears your conscious, especially if deep, deep, deep, deep down inside you know its wrong. I think 99.9% of homosexuals know its wrong deep deep down inside, but try to justify it because they are stuck in it and don't know how to get out. So they press further and further in their lifestyle. But God does not condone it.
there sinners all they know is sin, they have a veil over their eyes like all sinners do. However trying to condem them to hell isnt going to help remove that Veil. Seems like you already have given up on them.

true God doesnt condone it,

I don't see whats so hard about accepting the truth
go preach and minister in a rescue mission for a few years and see how God breaks a person down and strips them to nothing, just so when they have NOTHING in their life they will finally turn to HIM.

yea they can tell you how hard it is. Count your blessings if you was raised up in church.
Old 06-07-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge View Post
You sweet Christians go and win some gays to Christ.. Let me know how that goes for you...
hmm so your saying you wont talk to them? sounds like your saying the power of God is weak to change their life. dont you think your sin smelt just as bad as theirs is? Yea if God didnt open your eyes. you would be standing by them in judgment...

pft arrogant christians
Old 06-07-2012, 06:01 PM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Even if a person was born gay, they must still be born again.

People can be born prone to alcoholism.
Other addictive behaviors can be passed down through genetics (gambling, smoking, drugs).

It doesn't matter.

David was born in sin, shaped in iniquity.

Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ will bring a sinner to new life-- where even their homosexual nature is changed by the Gospel of Christ.

If we don't believe this, then we don't believe the Gospel and then we're just wasting time living by a moral code that is of no eternal value.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Old 06-07-2012, 06:37 PM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
They don't care what the Bible says because the Bible talks about "leaving the natural use of the women" and "men being burned up in their lust." It talks about "vile affections", affections/ lusts that are corrupt.

Homosexuals are going to hell, not because of themselves, but because of the sin they are partaking in. And homosexuals are not born that way - God doesn't create sin.

You can argue around the belt all day about how "that scripture really doesn't mean that, this is what it means" but the Bible says in Timothy that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for DOCTRINE, reproof, correct.."
That's why we believe what we believe about homosexuals, because the Bible tells us what to believe. It's not allowed in the Bible.

Are there any legitimate scriptures in the Bible that support homosexuality? That if we took it in its context it would be talking about it? You want us to find you a scripture that doesn't support it, but we want you to find a scripture THAT DOES condone homosexual behaviour. It's nowhere in the Bible because it's against God's order of a Man and Women.
Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
And it's not impossible for them to be saved, it's not. But, in all reality, just based of fact, the hard truth life offers - it's something that rarely happens. Especially if they've grown up in the church - they despise their old lifestyle.

And I believe, once you've gone that far, once your lust has burned that much, where you go from lusting like that after women to men, it makes you emotions, your affections vile. Your heart becomes hardened in a sense. It sears your conscious, especially if deep, deep, deep, deep down inside you know its wrong. I think 99.9% of homosexuals know its wrong deep deep down inside, but try to justify it because they are stuck in it and don't know how to get out. So they press further and further in their lifestyle. But God does not condone it.

If God was for it, he'd say something about it in the Bible in a supportive way - but he doesn't. If he was for it, he would've never made a WOMAN for Adam. He would've never started it off with a Man and Woman. God doesn't create homosexuality, because God is not the author of confusion. God doesn't create a MAN to think he's a WOMAN but he has all of the MANS features. God doesn't do that, plain and far.

I don't see whats so hard about accepting the truth.
Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
It's like people spend so much time, arguing against what they know to be the truth but they continue to argue against it. All you are doing is searing your conscious!

But remember, it's easier to live for God. To submit yourself to your Pastor, a good Pastor. One that genuinely care for you. And keep your mind on heaven and making it there. Don't let yourself become a reprobate in mind. Don't let yourself think that only part of the Bible is true and not some of it. ALL of it is true. God doesn't lie and the bible clearly says "all scripture is given by Inspiration of God." Some stuff just doesn't apply to nowadays because of the new and old testament. Some stuff is still applying to today because it is mentioned again in the new testament.

The single greatest commandment is, "Hear O Isreal, the Lord our God is one Lord." As long as you are living that, your on the right track.
Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
Also, I think that a lot of people HATE homosexuals. You don't hate the people, you hate their sin. Pray for them to be delivered!
Thanks for the long expository. Care to respond to the OP? You've already given your take, which I agree God doesn't condone it. Neither does He support it. However, I think His intentions and desire are far more genuine for the homosexual to turn from their way than this cute, precious little boy repeating what his saintly mommy and daddy told him...
Old 06-07-2012, 09:56 PM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by GODisTheAnswer View Post
They don't care what the Bible says because the Bible talks about "leaving the natural use of the women" and "men being burned up in their lust." It talks about "vile affections", affections/ lusts that are corrupt.

Homosexuals are going to hell, not because of themselves, but because of the sin they are partaking in.
One can say that ALL sinners (which is everyone) is going to hell.

And homosexuals are not born that way - God doesn't create sin.
While I agree that GOD doesn't "create homosexuals" many ARE either born that way or with a strong push in that direction. Twin studies have proven this time and time again.

You can argue around the belt all day about how "that scripture really doesn't mean that, this is what it means" but the Bible says in Timothy that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for DOCTRINE, reproof, correct.."
That's why we believe what we believe about homosexuals, because the Bible tells us what to believe. It's not allowed in the Bible.
Neither is lying. But who here has not told a lie -big, medium, or a tiny little white one?

Are there any legitimate scriptures in the Bible that support homosexuality?
No. I haven't heard anyone here argue that point.

That if we took it in its context it would be talking about it? You want us to find you a scripture that doesn't support it, but we want you to find a scripture THAT DOES condone homosexual behaviour. It's nowhere in the Bible because it's against God's order of a Man and Women.
Again, no one here has argued that the bible DOES condone it. Just like it doesn't condone lying, stealing, cheating, adultery, etc.....
Old 06-08-2012, 12:50 AM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

I thought it would be good to post this scripture for the self appointed judges, juries, AND executioners.

Gal 5:18-21

18 But when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law.

19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, your lives will produce these evil results: sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure,

20 idolatry, participation in demonic activities, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group,

21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

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Old 06-08-2012, 06:48 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Everyone is wrong except those in our own little group (Christianity). In fact, quite a few even within the group are wrong on a great many things.

It's a good thing we are justified by faith and covered in His righteousness instead of our own. Unfortuanetly those outside the group cannot claim the same.

Look, I imagine even the staunchest hard liner would say it was wrong to have this little kid singing that song. It just doesn't edify anyone at all. It was dumb. However, the atmosphere of this place makes many take the position of supporting the churches error of judgment because so many here seem to jump atthe chance to argue that basically everything is ok. You can't condemn homosexuality, you have be lovy dovy and kind about it. No thanks. I'll go ahead and make it clear that perversion is disgusting and abominable.

And let's get off the high horse and stop with the pious lying. Everyone here knows well that if your little kid had a lying problem that would be upsetting, but if they said "Dad, Mom...I'm a homosexual" it IS a much bigger deal. Sin is sin in God's eyes, but we aren't God and we all know that some sins are more destructive and damaging in this life than others.
Old 06-08-2012, 03:17 PM
GODisTheAnswer GODisTheAnswer is offline
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Yeah, that video is pathetic. One, no annointing in that service - making church more like a circus and not keeping the main thing the main thing.

Majoring on the minors and minoring on the majors.
Old 06-09-2012, 09:06 AM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by Dagwood View Post
Hey, Rev Broadbrush...Would you care to back up or explain your opinion? How do you know they "don't care" what the bible say? How do you know they "hate Romans chapter 1?" How do you know "they know it damns them to hell?"

When's the last time you talked to one? Oh, I get it. Your interpretation (that silly little voice) told you so, right?
Silly and broad brush ?

People are so tough when they type.

If you don't know the answers to my statements your not worth discussing this with.

Good day.
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Old 06-09-2012, 09:13 AM
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Re: Ain't no homos gonna make it to heaven

Originally Posted by Dagwood View Post
Hey, Rev Broadbrush...Would you care to back up or explain your opinion? How do you know they "don't care" what the bible say? How do you know they "hate Romans chapter 1?" How do you know "they know it damns them to hell?"

When's the last time you talked to one? Oh, I get it. Your interpretation (that silly little voice) told you so, right?
Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
hmm so your saying you wont talk to them? sounds like your saying the power of God is weak to change their life. dont you think your sin smelt just as bad as theirs is? Yea if God didnt open your eyes. you would be standing by them in judgment...

pft arrogant christians

You have all the answers.

Not one true homosexual has ever been converted. Kind of like a Christian being able to literally walk on water.. Just doesn't happen. I pray/wish it did, but it hasn't and wont. Maybe you have more faith than I do.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.

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