Originally Posted by answers
now my mind is blown  . This is really a subject I wish more would weigh in on. Perhaps the title of the thread should be, "Where have all the men gone?"
its become such a vicious cycle its hard to tell where it begins and where it ends.
This topic is covered quite comprehensively, from time to time, on both the American Thinker and Lew Rockwell. The phenomenon is not unique to the church, or the Apostolic church.
It is part and parcel of the design of statists, set in motion decades ago. One aspect is to give women & children an alternative to relying upon a man: relying upon a welfare state. From a certain very utilitarian angle, men appear unnecessary.
Because men are sinners, it hasn't taken very long for men as a whole to begin
acting unnecessary. Who wants all that responsibility of raising, training, providing for a family.....????