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Old 05-10-2007, 11:32 AM
Brother Strange

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Your Favorite Memories of the 1940s


Old time brush arbors, tent revivals with some of the greats like A.W. Sassman, W.E. Gamblin and many others.

All day preachin' and dinner on the ground.

The glory of the Lord all around. Driving down the gravel highways in rural Louisiana in m' daddy's Terraplane car, and listening to the prayer meetings that would lift your spirits from one house to another as we drove along on the way to campmeeting.

Swimmin' naked in Black River, Ouichita River, Little River too and gravel pit ponds. Once my cousins (three females) picked up our clothes while we were swimming. We all had to walk home naked. We sure were angry at those girls. Can't remember if they got into trouble for that or not.

What fun we had when I was a child but oooooh my! Those back breaking days in the hot sun, pickin' cotton. But afterwards, we got washed up in a no. 3 wash tub, using mama lye soap that almost took the hair off but left us very clean. How our hearts raced with excitement and expectations as we headed out for church, to inquire in His temple and see the glory of the Lord.

Wonderful days they were. I treasure my many wonderful memories of a much more innocent day that it was. Who can ever forget the McKeithen/Howard Hutto team's preaching at Campmeeting? What days! What days!

I remember the first telephone that I saw. My dad sent a .02 cent post card telling us that he would call us from New Orleans on one of the only telephones in our town, on a certain date and time. We waited anxiously for that phone call, even asked the other party to get off the party line. Well, we were hundreds of miles away from him. We felt like we had to yell over the phone as loudly as possible for him to hear so far away as that. So, we just yelled and yelled. Memories! Precious memories come stealing in the stillness of my room as I recall precious saints, all of whom are now waiting on the other side.

On the other side. Treasures there have
Treasures that this world could never buy
When I reach that city and gates open wide
I'll find my treasures waiting on the other side. In the key of F, of course.

PRAISE GOD! What a day! What a day!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:33 AM
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We're sorry you are this old.

I guess it's just good that you even remember, huh?

Love ya Bro. Strange!!!!!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:35 AM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
We're sorry you are this old.

I guess it's just good that you even remember, huh?

Love ya Bro. Strange!!!!!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:36 AM
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Ahh yes. the 1940's. My MOTHER was born.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:37 AM
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Sounds wonderful! Really. But now I feel like watching The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:38 AM
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On the other side. Treasures there have
Treasures that this world could never buy
When I reach that city and gates open wide
I'll find my treasures waiting on the other side. In the key of F, of course.
Oh my goodness! I haven't heard that chorus in like forever! I always liked that one!
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Ahh yes. the 1940's. My MOTHER was born.

Mine too!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post

Old time brush arbors, tent revivals with some of the greats like A.W. Sassman, W.E. Gamblin and many others.

All day preachin' and dinner on the ground.

The glory of the Lord all around. Driving down the gravel highways in rural Louisiana in m' daddy's Terraplane car, and listening to the prayer meetings that would lift your spirits from one house to another as we drove along on the way to campmeeting.

Swimmin' naked in Black River, Ouichita River, Little River too and gravel pit ponds. Once my cousins (three females) picked up our clothes while we were swimming. We all had to walk home naked. We sure were angry at those girls. Can't remember if they got into trouble for that or not.

What fun we had when I was a child but oooooh my! Those back breaking days in the hot sun, pickin' cotton. But afterwards, we got washed up in a no. 3 wash tub, using mama lye soap that almost took the hair off but left us very clean. How our hearts raced with excitement and expectations as we headed out for church, to inquire in His temple and see the glory of the Lord.

Wonderful days they were. I treasure my many wonderful memories of a much more innocent day that it was. Who can ever forget the McKeithen/Howard Hutto team's preaching at Campmeeting? What days! What days!

I remember the first telephone that I saw. My dad sent a .02 cent post card telling us that he would call us from New Orleans on one of the only telephones in our town, on a certain date and time. We waited anxiously for that phone call, even asked the other party to get off the party line. Well, we were hundreds of miles away from him. We felt like we had to yell over the phone as loudly as possible for him to hear so far away as that. So, we just yelled and yelled. Memories! Precious memories come stealing in the stillness of my room as I recall precious saints, all of whom are now waiting on the other side.

On the other side. Treasures there have
Treasures that this world could never buy
When I reach that city and gates open wide
I'll find my treasures waiting on the other side. In the key of F, of course.

PRAISE GOD! What a day! What a day!

Get er done, Brother Strange!!!
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post

Mine too!
Mine, too... Dec 7, 1949.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:40 AM
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Bro Strange, what was Jesus like when He walked the earth back in the 40's??? Share some stories with us....

We all love you Bro Strange
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