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Old 02-11-2011, 05:33 PM
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Multiculturalism Has Failed?

European leaders, ex-leaders, and businessmen are harshly criticizing "multiculturalism" as they have experienced it.

When you read the article linked below, no one comes across as hateful or racist. No, they see the value of a national identity now that it appears to be disappearing or completely vanished like in many parts of France.

The same thing can happen in America, if we let it.

Without intending to sound hateful or to be insulting to the differences of others, there is nothing wrong with cultivating an "American Identity" and encouraging our citizens the immigrants who grace our shores with their presence to embrace that identity.

Attempting to mandate nationalism or patriotism is not an American idea at all, and so that is not the point of this thread. Instead, the point is to shake the American reader into the realization of the importance of not forgetting our American identity and the shared blessings of American citizenship.

We are atheists, Sikhs, pagans, and Animists.
We are Muslims, Mormons, Buddhists, and Hindus.
We are Jews and by the Grace of the Almighty God,

There are more Christians in America than any other faith group in America-- historically and now. Christianity callls on the INDIVIDUAL to "CHOOSE" who one will serve. So our historically, Christian-dominated government has existed from the beginning with "freedom to choose" as part of the bedrock of our nation. There are few, if any, other countries in the world that can peacefully exist, with so many different races of people and with followers of so many different religions coexisting within her boundaries.

Surely, this is not by accident. This is by design.

God has shed His Grace on all of us here in America-- in a way that is unique to the rest of the world. We are wise to never forget this.

By God's Grace, America is a place that if you choose to identify yourself not by your American citizenship first but by your race, religious faith, or whatever, you can do so without fear or penalty. America doesn't mind if she isn't first, but that doesn't mean we should put America out of our minds. We should never neglect our American Identity. Never forget, never belittle, never disparage, never take for granted, we should never cast aside our American Identity!

We have something beautiful in having America as our home.

Our visitors and immigrants should know this early upon their arrival, not because it is written in a manual that must be memorized but because it is clearly seen in the everyday life and functions of America's citizens and her government.

Thank God for our differences and thank God for the USA.

God bless the many different cultures that help make America what she is today.

God bless the USA!

"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 02-11-2011 at 05:41 PM.
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Old 02-11-2011, 05:52 PM
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Re: Multiculturalism Has Failed?

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Old 02-14-2011, 02:48 PM
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Re: Multiculturalism Has Failed?

A lot of the Muslims were "imported" into Europe with the idea that they would exist as a second class pool of labor for those jobs most educated Europeans would never do. Eventually, they would be educated out of their religious notions and provide a few more dark pupils to gene pool.

But, what no one suspected was that the Muslims themselves had a plan. They would keep their cultural identity, their fierce tribal codes and would eventually rise to take over the roles of their former masters.

I think Gerst (or whatever his name is in the video above) is too vain and far too radical. But, he does point out the problem of the extinction of historic Europe. The fact that he bleaches his hair to help make the point is a bit silly; to me anyway.

Oh! And BTW - Right on JD!
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