Originally Posted by stmatthew
Having seen first hand what the end results are when one is always seeking for a "fresh revelation", I think I will just stay with the tried and true gospel of the kingdom, and leave the rest to others.
Right - Some people's God stopped speaking 2000 years ago - but mine still speaks today!
The Voice of God is always present - It goes forth constantly and consistently! Our God did not stop speaking 2000 years ago - He continues to direct His people daily.
Isn't it so very sad that people are always seeking God and getting Fresh Revelation - Fresh Bread!
People that have made God's and Idols out of the old bread - just cannot see the importance of eating the Fresh - the Best!
I like how Mark Hanby said it - If Abraham had been a Pentecostal - he would have killed Isaac! God did say to slay him - to sacrifice him - but then God said later - STOP! Did Abraham say - Oh NO - I am going to KILL him - God you told me to so I have to obey! But Thank God that Abraham listened to the Proceeding Voice of God! God is always speaking but we are not always listening.
Rap, blues, jazz, gospel, country, rock, pop, R & B and many more kinds of Music - plus preaching, news, traffic, weather and much more is going forth 24/7 on radio. We are not hearing it - because we are not turned to that frequency. If we will listen and hear the Voice of God - will can walk in the NEWNESS & FRESHNESS of GOD in our lives!