It is respectfully noted that Muslims dress according to their country of orgin. There is no "Muslim costume" to wear but an idea may be to have those muslim peoples sew something on their shirt, like a star or something, to be easily identified.
On another note, since I see you are in Brazil, whats with this story? Is this the <drinky> Judge's wife who was helping herself to the booze in the back? LOL. THAT's acting western......
The Transportation Security Administration says the marshals were on a Continental Airlines flight Friday from Houston to Rio de Janiero. They had to subdue a passenger.
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Jesus is with us...but like Randy said if they try to act like Western it makes you wonder why they are on the plane...I detest what their religion teaches but their souls are very important. We need more brave missionaries trying to reach them with the true gospel.