Re: I'm being bewitched.
A few of my observations:
#1. No one has elaborated on why the "magick" in the bible must have been "real" and not just illusions / power of suggestion.
#2. No one has offered any evidence that magick is real. I've heard alot of claims that it is. I've even heard slightly more specific claims that it gives power over animals and weather, however, I have not heard any specifics about any of these claimed incidents. I am starting to wonder why the specifics aren't offered. Maybe the mystery around these incidents is what makes them believable and once that mystery is taken away then its easy to see through the claims? If that's not it, then do those claiming its real have any excuse as to why they don't give more details?
#3. If magick in the bible was real (like the exodus stick to serpent account) and if magick today is real then a practitoner of magick today ought to be able to throw down a stick and have it turn into a serpent. I've not heard anyone claiming that is possible. For some reason this question was quitely read over and forgotten about earlier in this thread... (Oh how it makes me wonder...) So does anyone know of a person that can throw down a stick and have it literally turn into a serpent? Is such a thing even theoretically possible using the magick yall practiced?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Last edited by jfrog; 11-19-2010 at 07:26 AM.