Originally Posted by sandie
The entire bottom line for me is what does Jesus approve of and what does He not...
Like I said to MissBrattifield, I'm probably too simple minded... but I believe the closer we all live to God's ways the better off we all are.
Basing our government on Godly principles can only help and not hurt as God has no hurtful plans mixed in with His ways.
The same logic was common during the Salem Witch Trials. God's principles teach us that a witch isn't to be allowed to live. Would executing witches be beneficial to a free society?
When it comes to "God's ways" it's all or nothing. However, if we abide by principles of liberty, we apply God's ways as individuals, and we are responsible before God as individuals.
That brings up another point. If we empower GOVERNMENT and declare that society at large must be "righteous", then we as a society will be responsible for society's sins before God. However, if we declare that this is a free society, individuals become responsible for their behavior before God. Liberty moves the GOVERNMENT out of the equation and allows individuals to stand before God according to their own free conscience. That means that God judges the individual for their sins, not an entire society for the sins of a select few.