Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
And you think this is prophecy, God back and read Sams post on what a prophet does, he never reads those things that you have been hiding, he exhorts, comforts, and edifies.
You are mistaking the gift of wisdom or word of knowledge with prophecy. This is what gets me we don't know what the gifts are as we don't have them working in the church in a way that we understand them. Yet we act like we have the whole truth. And claim to have the gifts working in our churches.
trust me there was words of prophecy envolved i just didnt tell them here. cause they were for me and my wife, but you can actually see some of it already unfolding in my other "what would you do post."
but yet i have seen prophecies to comfort and edify, i have also seen them as a rebuke and a warning