Something God Has Done For You This Week!
I want to give honor and praise to God for allowing my efforts to help a service member pay off!
God also allowed me to speak with my 93 year old Grandmother in West Virginia this week! She's a spry young lady who still shoots her gun in the woods on occasion.
I want to thank God for Jesus Christ. He's the source of inspiration and true life for so many different people! Seeing others encouraged by Jesus and His Gospel encourages me! I witnessed that this week while watching Ernie Haase & Co. sing on TBN.
God is ALWAYS protecting the people around me when I drive-- if only they realized how God is at work in their lives and they'd be grateful too!
He has allowed me to establish my internet based business this week. I want to thank Him for that! HALLELUJAH JESUS!
He allowed an Assembly of God brother to encourage my low heart about an hour ago. He knows how to reach us, who to send to us-- I thank Him in advance for the days He will use me in that way for another person low in heart.
I want to thank God for allowing me to start this thread-- instead of allowing me to sink in cynicism and sadness tonight!
I am reminded of a song I heard in Newport, NC a long, long time ago:
"I have a God who with His angels watches over me.
I have a God who keeps my enemies beneath my feet.
My God is there when I am sick and when I'm feeling well.
I have a God, I have a God and my God doesn't fail."
There are verses, but I don't remember those.
I thank God for the past! He has showed Himself strong in my life on many different occasions.
I thank God for today-- I don't feel Him so strong, but I have His Word.
I thank God for the future. With Him, I know my future is bright! I thought I knew Him before. I will know Him in such a deeper way in the future! Our relationship will be stronger than I've ever known it to be!
I thank God because I know He loves me!
Thank You Jesus!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."