Re: Has evolutionism become a leading religion?
The darwinists offer nothing on when and in what species blood clotting first evolved. The next problem is that a clotting mechanism will not transfer from one species to another ever.
Looks like the evos take it on faith and not science.
Pelthais oh uneducated one. You didn't realize that the evolution of blood clotting would be a fatal mutation. It kills a live animal when the blood clots or coagulates.
Evolutionists are not only not logical, they are irrational. How would a species that died by reason of coagulation of blood live another million years to develop an anti-thrombin?
Which snake's venom causes blood to turn into a solid/jellylike? ... If the clotting wont kill you, something else might. The lack of blood cells would cut off circulation of ...
Every time little buddy thinks he has something we see it crumble.
Darwinists have no evidence that blood clotting was created by evolution. No blood samples and of course no tests. None. They also get incredibly angry when people like myself publically discuss their ignorance and point out issues their drones can't raise in their little biology classes.