Since both naturalism and humanism exclude God from science or any other active function in the creation or maintenance of life and the universe in general, it is very obvious that their position is nothing but atheism. And atheism, no less than theism, is a religion! Even doctrinaire-atheistic evolutionist Richard Dawkins admits that atheism cannot be proven to be true.
Henry Morris
Of course we know the approved state religion is secular humanism. Texas recently debated text book standards and rattled the atheists. 39% of Americans believe in evolution. That is very low considering how heavily it is pushed in schools.
The evolutionist, Richard Dawkins, stated: Suppose we want to suggest, for instance, that life began when both DNA and its protein- based replication machinery spontaneously chanced to come into existence. We can allow ourselves the luxury of such an extravagant theory, provided that the odds against this coincidence occurring on a planet do not exceed 100 billion billion to one” (Dawkins, 1996, pp. 144, 146).
Even Dawkins refers to faith against the odds of life being self caused.
Recently the politically correct movement was to embrace Islam. What will they do since Islam also rejects Darwinism? The atheists can't get a Muslim science teacher fired.
The goal of the atheirst is to get sceptics fired.
October 5th, 2010Internationalanti-evolution2010
Gavriel Avital was dismissed from his position as chief scientist in Israel's ministry of education due to his denial of evolution and global warming, according to Haaretz (October 5, 2010). In February 2010, Avital's views sparked a furor; Haaretz (February 21, 2010) quoted him as saying, "If textbooks state explicitly that human beings' origins are to be found with monkeys, I would want students to pursue and grapple with other opinions. ... Part of my responsibility, in light of my position with the Education Ministry, is to examine textbooks and curricula."
He also didn't buy global warming.