Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I don't subscribe to socialism so I don't care what it teaches.
To take a line from, "Saving Private Ryan":
"Everyone's been shot! Get in and drive!"
Your friend is losing 30k monthly?
Maybe your firned needs to lower his rates and search for higher quality, higher profit generating businesses for his strip mall. He could even write it in to their contracts: 3 year contract with the first 15 months at a reduced rate, etc.
I made 19k for the year of 2009-- without the benefit of government assistance.
When it comes to money, I stand by my affirmation: the wealthy do not need help from the government in the form of tax breaks.
Coadie, weren't you against the stimulus package and bail outs for businesses?
Based on your posts, it appears you were over paid.
I will tell you something very simple.
Our government, you included thinks it is smarter about how money shoudl be spent than a few people that have money. If the government on it's spending binge needs more money, they can borrow it from the wealthy.