Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
If you think I "lean towards" socialism and Marxism, you are an idiot.
Why don't you take your, "Thou shalt not steal" to the former Enron execs, RIck Scotts and Martha Stewarts of the world. Or maybe you don't consider white collar criminals to be dishonest at all.
Martha Stewart did jail for lying. to the feds.
Your socialist pals don't pay taxes.
then we have Obama:
The biggest whopper from Friday is this gem "So these policies of cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans, of stripping away regulations that protect consumers, running up a record surplus to a record deficit — those policies finally culminated in the worst financial crisis we've had since the Great Depression." No mention of Fannie or Freddie and the housing bubble that was government created. No mention of the skyrocketing energy prices that lit the fuse to the economic meltdown. No mention of the fact that AFTER the taxes were cut, government revenues increased substantially.
Are you farther along and a communist?
The starting point for Marxist philosophy, and the basis of Das Kapital, is the observation that, in general, the world revolves on a capitalist economy wherein people with money hire people without money to make things and provide services. Marx observed that capitalism is self-defeating and predicted that class distinctions would become wider and wider. He proposed that capitalism should be replaced with a system where work is performed for the common good rather than for money provided by a privileged class—in other words, he proposed communism.
Since you are too stubborn to take an econ class, try reading Mein kampf.
Your drivel on the wealthy is how the marxists, socialists operate. Steal from those that have to give to those that don't.