Re: Protecting kids from church!!
Originally Posted by Falla39
Dad and Mom so taught us in the HOME, that we shouldn't have had a problem in school, in church, etc. We never heard that we had to be protected from the church, school or other. We felt secure in the things our parents taught us at home. At least I did! We were taught against the things of the world, against the devil and sin.
I know "children" who heard so much criticism at home from their parents against the church that birthed them, that there was no way they would ever be a part of that church. Seen it played over and over again.
It is a sad day indeed when we feel we have to protect our children from the church. Hey, just remove yourself and your family. Problem solved. We will be responsible for how we trained up our children. Was it in the fear and admonition of the Lord or was it in criticism of the church and leaders. Or the school and the teachers.
I know everything is not always perfect, but the responsibility for training up the children we birthed, belongs to the parents. Grandparents can be helpful, by supporting their children and grandchildren, etc., with love and prayer!
If you're not happy with the schools, homeschool your own children. If you're not happy with the church, teach your children yourself. Take the responsibility for YOUR OWN CHILDREN!
If we birthed them, they are our responsibility to GOD. When we birthed them, we chose to take care of them by our actions. God put the responsibility on US. Now let's take care of them. Don't teach them criticism by constantly criticizing. Don't teach them insecurity by being insecure yourself. Don't teach them negatives by being negative.
Teach them Love by loving! Teach them kindness by being kind. Teach them good principals by your examples.
Jesus was the perfect example. God gave us the GREATEST example of LOVE by sending an example for us to follow. NOW JUST Follow that example! We are without excuse!
This is not directed toward any one individual! These are my personal thoughts and I take full responsibility for them!
Our children will never be able to testify criticism from us regarding church/pastor.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.