05-02-2007, 11:20 AM
This discussion board is for Apostolic Pentecostal Christians who believe that the Bible, in it's entirety, is the word of God, is without error, and that it is completely relevant today. We welcome and encourage visitors of other faiths to post and ask sincere questions in their honest search to learn more of our faith and about our wonderful Lord, Savior, and God whose name is Jesus Christ. We do not, however, give place for the tearing down, or destruction of, the christian faith in any form. The propagation of atheism is not welcome here. No tearing down of Ministers.
We do not allow any rebuking, hatefulness, name calling, or verbal attacks by any person or group of people, toward any person or group of people. Content that is unseemly, using bad language or any form of insinuating bad language (i.e. one letter and ****), name calling, or offensive slang is not permitted. Debate is encouraged, bad attitudes are not.
This administration knows that God's word allows for rebuking under certain conditions, but because of the lack of understanding by some,as well as the differing views by a multitude of readers here, and forthe sake of peace, we will not permit it under any circumstances.
I fail to see where I violated this in anyway. In fact, I would say that others violated the above rules for their inappropriate "rebuking."